Dear Howtoforge, Excuse me if this thread is posted in the wrong section, I've never actually used a forum before. I've got an issue with the installation of ISPconfig3. I have followed the tutorial "The Perfect Server - Debian 8 Jessie (apache2, BIND, dovecot, ISPConfig 3)". link is down below Everything has gone smoothly to the point after ISPConfig is installed. When I try to access the login page I get confronted with the 403 Forbidden Error and I can't figure out why or how to change this.. Could someone here help me figure out what the problem is? I am running on Apache 2.4.10 on Debian 8.3 ISPConfig version is Thanks in advance! Best regards, Danny van Os
Did you start from a "clean" and empty system? Can you please post a screenshot or the exact browser error message?
Hello till, Thanks for your reply! Unfortunately I cannot provide a screenshot of the error since I rolled back the snapshot I made before attempting the tutorial. I did not start from a "clean" and empty system at the first attempt, but i followed the guide again, and this time it worked! So the problem is solved now, although I don't know what fixed it or what I did wrong.. Best regards, Danny van Os