by listen do you mean a cron job, or in what manner do you have a plugin listen to the module? When I hear listen I envision the plugin pinging a certain file in the ispconfig port every 5 minutes.
The plugin is not doing anything actively. The ISPConfig Server event based system and listening means that a plugin is subscribing itself for a event and that this plugin executes code when it gets called in case that the event happens.
I am just trying to develop a PHP script to export a list of zones from DNS. Using the API I can get lists for a particular client, but I am not sure how to get a list of all zones from ISPConfig. Is there a function to accomplish this? Or even a function to get a list of all client ID's so I could then in turn pass that off to the dns_zone_get_by_user() function? I want to import these zones to my vps providers DNS servers as a slave zone using their API so when clients add zones their slaves are added automatically. Thanks!
I thought a little bit more about the online documentation and I am always coming back to MediaWiki (or another wiki platform) as a better solution for You can restrict access to admin-generated users, of cause.
is it absolutly nned to download the version instruckted in the manuel, to build Modules or can i also bild some just with a simple running version.
i did follow the Steps for creating the menu struckture ... that works, but with creating the List and form pages i ran into problems. i did the same as you discribed in the doc. I created the form definition and the action file, but no Lan or list file apear after klicking on the link assosiated with them. all i did to the form file was erase some fields i didn't need and remaned the links. in the action file i changed $tform_def_file = and the help from: if(!stristr($_SESSION['s']['user']['modules'],'help')) { weher is my mistake?
Maybe the directories are not writable by the user that runs the ispconfig interface (ispconfig or the apache user, it depends if the interface is run as fastcgi or mod_php).
From post #28: ... (ispconfig or the apache user, it depends if the interface is run as fastcgi or mod_php). So ist either the user ispconfig or the apache user depending of your installation, the user ispapps is not related to running the ispconfig interface at all.
creating the files doesn't work for me either.... Code: [Mon Jan 28 18:17:09 2013] [error] [client] PHP Warning: fopen(templates/nginx_reverse_proxy_edit.htm): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /usr/local/ispconfig/interface/lib/classes/ on line 149, referer: https://xxx/index.php Permissions are 750 for all files/folders, owner ispconfig:ispconfig
The error message should be self explaining, it means that the templates directory is not writable by the user that runs the ispconfig interface (most likely the user ispconfig).
Hi till Yes, it needed more permissions - sorry for that. Was thinking 750 is enough as all others are 750 as well, but yep - they don't need to be writable anymore. Thx!
There's a problem with the flyspray bugtracker, which gave me an sql error. I don't see an obviously "right place" to report it, so just posting here, where the bugtracker was announced. I tried to create a new task and apparently it took issue with my detailed description. The error is at, but I can't post a link here/yet, so: slash raw slash xufaxokesi
Might be a bug in flyspray that cant deal correctly with the posted content. In general it works fine, I use it daily.
It looks like the problem is default collation on the flyspray database tables, there are alter statements to change them listed at issue #35 on github: / Flyspray / flyspray / issues / 35
Having failed to clean up the task enough manually, I copy/pasted the description text through od -c, and found some unprintable characters in there (I think came from me pasting a setting name from a web page). excerpt from od -c: Code: 0001320 t t i n g t h e r e , t o o 0001340 . 357 277 274 357 277 274 \n \n T h e A d v I removed those characters and the task did save. So changing the db collation should allow those characters to be interpreted correctly/saved ... but maybe it's a feature, not a bug?
The link to developer documentation here and on the homepage appears to 404. Any ideas if it's still available?