So I setup a new server, but I can't add any domains. The domain field is only a dropdown. I try to add a DNS zone, also only a dropdown of the current sites I have. There is no way to add a new website. I try to add a database user. Make sure the client is the same. Doesn't show up in my list of available users. Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS (Xenial Xerus) ISPConfig 3.1dev Not sure how I managed to install the dev version but do you think that's my problem? The control panel is a mess :/
That's all fine and works as it should. You enabled the domain limit module under system > Interface config > domain. Domains have to be added under Client > domains when the domain module is on. So you have two options, either disable the domain module again (it s off by default btw). or you add the domains under Client > Domains.
Thanks Till, that actually fixed all my problems. I just disabled the domain restraint. Never would have found this on my own. Any reason why SuPHP wouldn't render my pages? Just shows up as text.
I wont use suphp anymore, it is slow and outdated. use php-fpm or php-fcgi instead and turn suexec on in the website.
OK so I tried different PHP and looks like it's the version. Is there a walkthrough on how to add PHP5.x to ISPConfig 3 on Ubuntu 16.04?
Go to the ispconfig website, click on documentation, scroll down to the header "Using multiple php versions", and there you find: