Before I purchase the ISPConfig migration tool, does anyone know if its possible to migrate a slave server (websites/databases) to a brand new slave server within the same multi-server setup? For example: Currently have Master, Slave1, Slave2, Slave3. (all ISPConfig 3.1) Slave1 is very old hardware, and debian squeeze. Create new 'Slave4' server and join to existing multiserver setup. Use migration tool to migrate all clients/sites from Slave1, to the new Slave4, and then remove the old Slave1. Possible? Thanks
You can not use the tool to migrate servers within the same master server. The reason is that the tool connects to the master and imports data, so if the source and target master is the same, then the data will collide as there can not be the same client, website, mail domain etc. twice on the same system. We are working on a second tool to move servers within a multi-server which has to use a completely different approach to move data, but that's not ready yet.
Ok, what about if I create a new temporary master to use as transition? e.g. Create new MasterTemp server, its own ISPConfig system Migrate clients/sites from Slave1 to this new MasterTemp Then migrate clients from MasterTemp, back to Slave4 on the original Master setup?
Or if that transition approach won't work, should I follow something like you wrote here: (set up new server, don't install ispconfig, and copy over data, meaning client IDs stay the same. The server IP will be moving from old server to new server). If that will work going from old squeeze to jessie?
A temporary master will not help here as the ID's of all records will be wrong. I would use the approach to use a linux backup tool or just rsync to move the whole operating system incl. ispconfig to the new system and then update from squueze to wheezy to jessie. (I prefer to update step by step, others say to update directly, probabbly both methods will work )
Till, Any timeframe on the new multi-server single system migration tool? 3rd quarter? 4th quarter? Thanks!