Hi, I just purchase ISPconfig monitor app from Google Play Store. After entering these in ports field: 21,22,80,110,443,3306 - with the last port for MariaDB/MySQL. But after setting up the app, its shows all other services are online except for MySQL while it is obviously running (ISPconfig panel also shows Mysqlserver is online). Why? I understand MariaDB is the server for MySQL, right? If 3306 is not the right port for MariaDB/MySQL, what else?
A suggestion for the app: I don't ever leave mysql open to the internet, and I would hate to do so simply to monitor if mysql is up or not; vpn's are an obvious available solution to that (ie. connect/test over a vpn connection), but the app could also be made to make an ssh connection and port forward to mysql to solve the same scenario. (connect as a non-privileged account, and port forward to