Hi there, I had to "clone" a running server, because of some weird wordpress issue that was causing 100% CPU usage (running mysqld 100% on all 4 vcores) On the new server I got the site up and running, also synced the inboxes from the old server (always referring to Ispconfig setups) using imapsync online. I left enough time for domain propagation, so it should be this issue. I can login to Ispconfig panel, Certs looks messed up, but still can login. Can't send/receive emails from the new server. The new servers, has different IP and hostname. What should I look into first to get it running?
There is Tutoria on e-mail with ISPConfig: https://www.howtoforge.com/how-to-install-an-email-server-with-ispconfig-on-debian-10/ It has instructions on troubleshooting.
Best would be to start with the logfiles and search for some errors. Or errors from your mail client.
Changed Hosts/Hostname to the new FQDN and tweaked the configuration file for Postfix and it started working. Thanks!