it seems that after the last upgrade i am not able to get my websites working unless I change them to www-data. They were setup to be web#:client#. I checked the ispconfig | webserver config | web (tab) and apache user and group are set to www-data when I think they should be set to something else. Does anyone know what should be in those two fields? Thanx in advance.
Have you enabled SUExec for your sites? This has to be enabled and the file permissions should be webID:clientID (where ID is the numerical ID ofcourse)
SUExec is enabled for all of the websites I am having issues within the control panel. So in the server config | web | the apache group and user should be set to www-data?
It may depend on the Operating System used. On my Debian GNU/Linux 10, those are indeed www-data. But the users and groups on /var/www directories must not be www-data. You should start with and post the result of the test script.
That's correct, don't change that to www-data or you will break your server. On Debian and Ubuntu, yes. Xheck in /etc/group file if the www-data user is a member of the client group for new websites as well and not just for the old websites. And create a new website with suexec enabled for testing while using debug mode and post the result: