Restore data in ispconfig 3.2 from previous version backup

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by FabioIamp, Jun 1, 2021.

  1. FabioIamp

    FabioIamp New Member

    I had to install Ispconfig 3.2 because of problems (upgrade didn't solve my problems). In this operation I lost data. I have a dbispconfig backup copy of a previous version (if I remember well Ispconfig 3). Is it possible to restore data or is it necessary to do something before of restoring because the data structure (maybe new data or new fields) changed in the passage from the old to the new version of Ispconfig?
    Thanks for your answer
  2. FabioIamp

    FabioIamp New Member

    News concerning my previous post. I tried to restore from the full mysql dump of previous ispconfig version. Restore done but problems with ispconfig that doesn't respond any more (moreover the entry page with user and password is shown without header). Then I restored the empty db and ispconfig worked again. Last try was to backup from a single backup database I had (always of the previous ispconfig version) and during the restore I had a problem of duplicated key on a client record. Data apparently backupped, ispconfig working, clients were recorded but some functions (for instance email and sites) don't appear in ispconfig page.
  3. ahrasis

    ahrasis Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    You need both files and database to restore manually.
  4. FabioIamp

    FabioIamp New Member

    Thanks for your answer. Isn't it possible to restore automatically? It seems to me very odd
  5. ahrasis

    ahrasis Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    If you have the old / original server and the new server, then you can purchase the official migration tool, otherwise, that would be difficult.

    May be, ISPConfig Staff here could help you with that, so hang on a little longer.
  6. FabioIamp

    FabioIamp New Member

    Thanks for your answer. I don't have copy of the previous ispconfig. I'll hang on waiting an answer of Ispconfig staff. Normally in most applications there are solutions to this type of problems with data.
  7. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Ok, so you have a newer ISPConfig version installed, but lost it's database. You have a copy of the old database though, right?

    In this case:

    1) Back up the current dbispconfig database with phpmyadmin.
    2) Restore the old database backup with phpmyadmin.
    3) Run an ispconfig update to upgrade the database scheme.
    ahrasis and FabioIamp like this.
  8. FabioIamp

    FabioIamp New Member

    Can anyone of ispconfig staff help me? I'd be grateful. It is very urgent and I need your help. Thanks
  9. FabioIamp

    FabioIamp New Member

    Thanks for your answer. Very kind. I'll try and I'll let you know the outcome
  10. Taleman

    Taleman Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    There is Business Support. They can do the restore for you for a fee.
  11. FabioIamp

    FabioIamp New Member

    All was perfect. Thank you very much!!

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