I have a website with currently 8 domain aliases (ISPconfig last stable version). For each one, there's both the domain,tld and auto-added www,domain,.tld (comma used in this post so the system doesn't count it as link). I've added a new domain alias (tried both with auto-adding www or not). Apache-side, it works, the alias is added to the vHost and correctly served. However, I can not get ISPconfig to create the acme.sh configuration file with this new alias added. I tried several things, even checking "Don't add to Let's Encrypt certificate" for the alias and then unchecking it, deleting/recreating the alias, etc. Nothing works. acme.llog show the cert creation process is correctly relaunched on each try but it doesn"t get the new alias: Code: [Sat Dec 11 16:46:04 CET 2021] Domains not changed. What/where can I have a look and find out why the aliases is not sent to acme.sh?
A Let's Encrypt certificate can contain up to 100 domains/subdomains if I remember correctly, you can look that up on the Let#s encrypt website. See let's encrypt error FAQ to find out why the new alias can't be added: https://www.howtoforge.com/community/threads/lets-encrypt-error-faq.74179/
Thank you. Using the FAQ I found the "disable letsencrypt check" option. My server is not natted or anything but this worked. It might be because the local resolver was not updated yet.