Max aliases for LetsEncrypt?

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by Klug, Dec 11, 2021.

  1. Klug

    Klug New Member

    I have a website with currently 8 domain aliases (ISPconfig last stable version).
    For each one, there's both the domain,tld and auto-added www,domain,.tld (comma used in this post so the system doesn't count it as link).
    I've added a new domain alias (tried both with auto-adding www or not).
    Apache-side, it works, the alias is added to the vHost and correctly served.

    However, I can not get ISPconfig to create the configuration file with this new alias added.
    I tried several things, even checking "Don't add to Let's Encrypt certificate" for the alias and then unchecking it, deleting/recreating the alias, etc.
    Nothing works.

    acme.llog show the cert creation process is correctly relaunched on each try but it doesn"t get the new alias:
    [Sat Dec 11 16:46:04 CET 2021] Domains not changed.
    What/where can I have a look and find out why the aliases is not sent to
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

  3. Klug

    Klug New Member

    Thank you.

    Using the FAQ I found the "disable letsencrypt check" option.
    My server is not natted or anything but this worked.
    It might be because the local resolver was not updated yet.
  4. Th0m

    Th0m ISPConfig Developer Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    If it is now, I would recommend unchecking this option now.

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