RSpamd whitelist

Discussion in 'General' started by minimediale, Jul 20, 2024.

  1. minimediale

    minimediale New Member


    I have an email server with the standard ISPCOnfig installation, with Rspamd filtering spam. The server works correctly, however when creating a new client and adding an email domain to this new client, it is not allowed to add a white list rule globally for your domain, only for email boxes.

    For example, I created the user customer1, and added an email domain called to the user customer1.
    When adding a white list rule to antispam, does not appear in the combobox, but accounts such as [email protected] do.

    I checked the limits in the client configuration, and kept all antispam limits at -1, would anyone have any other suggestions on what to do in this case?

    Thank you
  2. pyte

    pyte Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Did you add the maildomain in the panel or with the remote api?
    Is the @domain.tld entry visible in the spamfilter rule when logging in as admin?
  3. minimediale

    minimediale New Member

    I added the domain directly to the ISPConfig interface. Yes, with the admin user I can see the @domain.tld
  4. pyte

    pyte Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

  5. minimediale

    minimediale New Member

    Thank you for your answer, i updated the ISPConfig for the version 3.2.12. But the problem persists, in the initial setup the domain was added with the admin user.
  6. pyte

    pyte Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Did you recreate the domain after the update? Or did you just try with the domain that was there already? The bug was in the function when initialy creating the maildomain, so any existing domain that got created before the update and with the admin user will have this issue.
  7. minimediale

    minimediale New Member

    This server is in production, i cannot remove domain. But, thank you for your help. I will try another way, or reinstall this server in otjer moment.
  8. pyte

    pyte Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    There is another way to fix this by setting the correct sys_userid and group_id in the database for the spamfilteruser but i need to check in detail tommorrow. Just reply back so i get the notification and dont forget :-D
  9. minimediale

    minimediale New Member

    I understand, I will also try to analyze the database to find a solution!
  10. minimediale

    minimediale New Member

    Thank you very much for the tip! I analize the database dbispconfig, and i get the userid in sys_user table. Then, i compare the spamfilter_users with a server that works fine.
    I user this update statment to correct the problem:
    UPDATE spamfilter_users SET sys_groupid = '2' WHERE email = '';
    Thank you!
    pyte likes this.

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