How to uninstall?

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by Pelle, Nov 5, 2005.

  1. Pelle

    Pelle New Member


    I have tried to uninstall ispconfig with /root/ispconfig/uninstall but it gives this error:

    houston2:~/ispconfig# ./uninstall
    You chose to uninstall the ISPConfig system! Do you also want to uninstall the o
    bjects (webs, users, databases, DNS entries etc.) created by the system? [y/n] y
    Connected successfully
    shell-init: could not get current directory: getcwd: cannot access parent direct
    ories: No such file or directory
    shell-init: could not get current directory: getcwd: cannot access parent direct
    ories: No such file or directory
    shell-init: could not get current directory: getcwd: cannot access parent direct
    ories: No such file or directory
    I can see that the data in /var/www/ still exist, so I would like to know, How do I tell what else is not restored correctly? after the uninstall... the /root/ispconfig/ directory is now deleted by the ./uninstall ...
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    You can forget about the error messages. They show up because the uninstall script deletes the directory where it's in.

    The web sites created by ISPConfig still exist? :confused:
    I'd also check the Bind configuration, ftp configuration, etc.
  3. Pelle

    Pelle New Member

    Yes the websites ispconfig has created still exist, also its posible too login with the user and password created for the single website.

    Bind, ftpd .conf looks like they have been restored correctly, but the apache didnt. But changed that manualy.

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