Converted a physical machine centos7.9 to vm using hypervisor convertor ssh ip & password. After doing getting fastcgi errors no php working....
Here is the suggestion: Basically, default nginx fastcgi params is available in /etc/nginx/fastcgi_params and one would only need to add "include...
Hi, I am on debian buster with multiple PHPs [5.6,7.3(default),and 8.1] installed as instructed in How to install PHP 5.6 and 7.0 - 8.1 as...
Hello, My o.s. is Debian 10. I upgraded ispconfig 3.2 after a first installation that stopped for a problem of missing php curl. Unfortunately...
Hello Community, - OS: Centos 8.2.2004 (Core) - ISPconfig version: 3.2b3 I am trying to get ispconfig to run, using the following Howto:...
So I need to run my website as fastcgi not as php fpm [IMG]
Separate names with a comma.