Hi there, In our ISPConfig 3.2.12p1, installed with autoinstaller script on Debian 12, some incoming emails are rejected with log message below:...
Please ref the config files below. There are two .conf files for my personal email account that have the same setting ID "ispc_mail_user_15". One...
Hi all, I've changed my /etc/default/postgrey with: POSTGREY_OPTS="--inet=10023 --delay=60" and restarted postgrey but still emails are getting...
Hi there My last test servers have been directly installed and configured with Rspamd, using the Perfect Server Setup for Debian (10) and the...
Hello, is possible to somewhere change greylisting rules? I was not able to find postgrey.
Hi, we would like to achive this setup for the domain "example.com": MX 10 - ISPConfig managed Email server with greylisting and spamfilter active...
Hi there... I've installed postgrey after ispconfig 3.1. From this post https://git.ispconfig.org/ispconfig/ispconfig3/issues/4410 it seems the...
Separate names with a comma.