There must have been some problems with the database. I have three sites that's working ok on the server but when I try to create a new site...
Hello. I have a problem. When I create folder with Thunderbird client, the permision will be 777. And now cannot delete folder under Thunderbird...
About a week ago, my inbox suddenly dried-up - no incoming mail whatsoever. I have a google account that i rarely use, so i went there and mailed...
Hi there, I trust you are well. I have an instance of ISPConfig 3 running on a server in a data center. I have 10 Windows users who need 'cloud'...
Hello, to use in roundcube sieve-filter I have changed the plugin-array in: etc/roundcube/ //$config['plugins'] = array();...
In the logwatch email got the following. --------------------- httpd Begin ------------------------ A total of 1 possible successful probes were...
Hi guys I have an ispConfig with several websites (5 or 6 wordpress) + 1 Nexcloud instance on a VPS (Debian Buster) not great in terms of...
Hi guys! I just installed ISPConfig on a virtual server as per the Perfect Server Debian 12 + ISPConfig guide. Everything works perfect (webmail,...
Yesterday we used ISPConfig 3.2.11p1 on a Debian 11 server. We upgraded it to Debian 12 based on the following descriptions: -...
Hi again, i have a new problem. One month ago a installed ISPConfig, after that I tried create my domain. Now i have my domain and mail server...
Hey everyone! I have aproblem that is quite unusual to me, since all this time I have used ISPConfig it was never an issue. When I set the...
I assume ISPConfig puts it's config into local.d/ which might be overwritten after an update(?) Where would I put my own config adjustments? E.g....
Just as a heads-up - I installed ISPConfig on an Hetzner arm64 Debian12 with no issues so far. wget -O - | sh -s --...
I know apache is running, because when I put the server ip address or the domain name with no ports, the default apache site comes up. When I put...
When mounting /var/www as an NFS share, everything works fine except »protected folders«. I can create the protected folder in ISPConfig 3.2.11...
I try install ispconfig on Rocky 9 follow the Centos 8 howto. I'm looking for a solution to get getmail working My first question is: there is a...
okay, it's been awhile since I popped in so Hello Till and others! I'm looking at updating my 3.2.7p1 to 3.2.10p1 on Ubuntu 20.04 multiserver (7)...
Hello. My server is end. I installed new server, and ISPConfig. I want restore ISPconfig config files, and sql backup. I try restore with...
If I specify a config in "nginx Directives" and i save the config, everything it's ok. But after updating the configuration ans save the changes...
After creating database from ispconfig panel, i tryed to access phpmyadmin panel but it is not showing 502 Bad Gateway nginx/1.18.0 (Ubuntu)
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