Hi, after the last ispconfig update i also changed the password of a mail account. Thunderbird errored in connecting and i updated to the new one...
Ok, being a very content ISPConfig user I really ran into a weird thing. I try to login with a known username/password and I return to the login...
OPERATING FRAMEWORK Hosting provider : OVH Machine : remote VPS OS distro : Ubuntu 22.04 (bionic beaver) User : superuser with sudo rights Web...
Hello, I just installed ISPConfig 3.2 thanks to this tutorial :...
Hi, It seems that default credentials to connect fresh ISPConfig 3.2.2 panel are not the followings anymore : login : admin password : admin...
Hi there, I continue my isp configuration with Debian 9, it seems to work, but I can't connect in ftp with pureftp and apache. In ispConfig, I...
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