Hello, I followed the Perfect Server Guide for Debian 9 with Apache (again) and at the part for installing Apache2, PHP, FCGI, suExec, Pear,...
I have a simple website I'm working on for a community chorus. It consists of a home PHP page with two (2) additional PHP pages used for AJAX...
Hi there. I'm trying to prevent any web sites hosted in my servers to use phpmail() or any other functions/scripts to send email through the local...
Hello, I quit the ISPConfig install process and now none of the install/uninstall/update.php files are usable. "install.php" sees an installed...
Hi, I got two version of PHP in my installation 7.0 and 5.6 both works with mysqli php extension but old mysql not work : mod_fcgid: stderr: PHP...
I have installed am Ubuntu 18.04 based webserver according to the Perfect Server tutorial, with the current ISPConfig, Apache 2.4 and PHP 7.2 FPM....
hi, I think there is a bug in ISPC regarding changing between fpm versions. tested on ubuntu 16.04 - nginx - ISPC3.11 and 3.12 (found an old post...
Hi, I have got one of those strange problems that has be sticking pins in my eyes! I am sending emails from a php page using the php mail()...
Hi there, for some time now I faced an issue with Composer and Craft CMS Updates. The Problem was Composer tries to write into...
Hello all, Sorry if i post in wrong place. Just i can't post in ALL Category. Server information : Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS PHP : PHP...
Hi Guys, i have a problem with the mod_fcgid, sometimes is exhausted how can i improve this situation? i must to update php7? i can see all of my...
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