I've been with DreamHost for about 15 years. They are a huge USA-based ISP where I have ISPConfig in my own little VPS cloud. They are a fine...
I've ran into an unexpected problem relaying emails sent to a domain to another host. In ISPConfig I've added the mail domain and set a relayhost...
Part 1 of this tutorial can be found here:...
This tutorial is the result of my struggles in this thread on how to relay emails to a host after they've gone through Postsrsd:...
I have a multi-server setup with separate spamfiltering (eFa) for in- and outbound mailtraffic. This works like a charm using relayhost and native...
Hi I know, that switching tabs under System->Server configurations saves changes automatically. I tried to disable this by checking tick next by...
Im getting annoying and unwanted emails (gambling related, not spam though. Someone is using an address) and trying unsuccessfully to block the...
Good afternoon, SITUATION 01 # I am in production with a Debain 11 server. 02 # For the installation of ISPConfig 3, I took this tutorial as...
Hi, is there a quick and easy way to configure the postfix blacklist/whitelist module of ISPConfig, that whitelist entries get checked before...
I'm running the standard Perfect Server Debian 10 install (using SA,amavis, installed a few years ago) on Debian on a VPS as a primary mail server...
Hi Folks, Good day. I hope you're doing Ok. I'm wondering if this is something possible with ISPConfig... I'm looking for a way to have my mail...
Hi, an urgent problem here: I updated a mail server and after that postfix rejects emails for which the server is a relay. The concerned domains...
Hi, i am trying to get a load of emails from a provider to my server with dovecot and postfix where Horde is installed. Horde can import...
Hello, I have created a Postfix content filter which is also triggered according to the mail logs, but the DISCARD action is not carried out and...
hi, Im not sure why but i noted that all of a sudden two days ago i stopped getting emails from my server. I found that this systemctl list-units...
In postfix settings: smtpd_delay_reject seems a bit too slow. "Temporarily unavailable try again later." Where is the delay time defined? I would...
Hi, switchting from one ISPConfig managed mailserver to 2 mailservers, where server 2 is mirror of server 1, i wonder what is the best way to...
Hi, I have successfully installed ispconfig, everything is work, but for mail services, i cannot receive or sending any email. Here is log from...
I have a web server which is run a postfix email server and is controlled by ISPConfig. My email domain: mydomain (dot) com Also, I wrote some...
I have a ISPConfig server installed with the autoinstaller running under Ubuntu 20.04 with dovecot and postfix. While checking mail queue I see...
Separate names with a comma.