I've setup a multiserver setup with the perfect webserver tutorial on debian. Everything is working beside sending Mails with PHP mail() function...
Hello, I am struggling with the the problem that rspamd is not signing alias mails, I have a main mailbox called mail@domain,tld and for this...
It seems the rspamd ratelimit module in debian 10 and centos 8 is not working anymore. Can anyone verify this? Here is my config for the...
Hello! I installed on Debian 9 rspamd using tutorial and removed amavis. Filtering is mainly OK, but user asked me that lots of emails are droped...
Just did a fresh install on Centos 8 with the latest ispconfig and rspamd. The dkim fails only on Gmail. Dkim is a pass on yahoo and other...
My server has been running fine for over a year but now I noticed these errors in rspamd history tab. Those files mentioned are not present in...
Hi I use Debian 10 with Rspamd. This morning when i tested one of my domain with mail-tester.com and glockapps i notised that dkim is not...
Hi there Sorry yesterday I wrote about a possible bug in Rspamd behavior in ISPC but my conclusions were all wrong. After thorough review I found...
Hi there My last test servers have been directly installed and configured with Rspamd, using the Perfect Server Setup for Debian (10) and the...
Hello, Someone did send me an e-mail with "freemyip.com" in the content. I would like to know how I can whitelist or suppress this. The goal is to...
In the ISPConfig UI we can update a list of MTA-level RBLs. Rspamd has it's own list of default and available RBL rules. I'm hoping someone who is...
I'll preface by saying I'm really trying here. I'm reading as much as I can about Rspamd, as fast as I can. I've watched three videos published by...
Hello all I'm getting the following error when I view the history page in rspamd learn error: Cannot learn statistics when passthrough result...
I found old thread https://www.howtoforge.com/community/threads/rspamd-blacklist-whitelist-support.83049/ where it seems the blaclist entry was...
Found this in rspmd log: 2020-08-29 06:26:09 #22564(normal) glib; rspamd_glib_printerr_function: **...
Hi to all. I have a ISPConfig 3.1.15p3 over a debian 9.13 with apache and amavis. All outgoing emails are marked as spam because emails are not...
I changed another e-mail server from amavisd-new to rspamd, this time e-mail server was separate from web server. The first comments on the rspamd...
Reverting to amavisd is turning out trickier than I hoped, as rspamd still intercepts and processes mail after re-enabling the amavisd-new service...
I installed rspamd on ISPConfig 3.1.15p3 host running Debian GNU/Linux 9.12 Strech. I followed the Tutorial...
Hi, as an admin, I am able to create whitelist/blacklist entries for a full domains "@domain". As the user which this domains belong to, I can...
Separate names with a comma.