hello, The port 25 is blocked on my server and I change inside the roundcub config by 587. But on the port 25 or 587 when I try to send an email...
i try to setup a wordpress with a different root folder /releases/test/ inside the default ispconfig web folder. first i've tried this so far,...
Hello, I created a subdomain and when I log in to the site, I get an unsafe error. No problem with main domain name "None of the common names in...
Hi all, New to ISPConfig, I have swapped over from CWP, I have set everything up and put my website back online and I have hit a couple of...
I've got running a ISPC multiserver setup with the latest Version with a Mailserver running rspamd. Installed with the Tutorial. Everything was...
Dear friends, I have one more request for you. When accessing domain.com/phpmyadmin, having the following error: File not found. Do you have any...
Hello Forum Members! I searched the forums with the keywords I can figure out in this topic, but found nothing about my question, so starting...
System: Ubuntu 20.04 (LTS) ISPConfig version: 3.2.2 PHP CLI version: 7.4.15 Using postfix and dovecot. Everything is working except incoming...
I followed this howto: https://www.howtoforge.com/replacing-amavisd-with-rspamd-in-ispconfig/ thank you very much for that. It is working well,...
Hi guys! I wonder if you have being able to use composer along with a PHP additional version build from source. I did tried to add it to the jail...
Separate names with a comma.