Hi, again i need some help to understand some stuff and might come up witht he "best" solution. In my current setup we have alot of domains that...
Hey! bit of a strange request here but maybe someone has a good idea on how to solve this. As of now i have quiet a few Domains in ISPConfig that...
Hi, i have a few exchange servers that receive mails from my ISPConfig systems by transport. These exchanges servers use ISPConfig as a mail relay...
Hi, is there a quick and easy way to configure the postfix blacklist/whitelist module of ISPConfig, that whitelist entries get checked before...
Hi there! I have two questions regarding transport with ISPConfig. When creating a new transport rule there is a field for "sort order"(i guess...
Hi, I created a mail gateway with ispconfig3 as shown on the upper half of the drawing below. It can receive, filter and relay emails for a...
Hello, I have just recently configured a new personal server on which I host my domain name. I have created mail transports for some addresses,...
One of my users wants to be able to send out a newsletter every month to about 1200 recipients (and yes, it's double opt-in, no spam, easily...
Hi About 2 weeks ago - unbeknownst to myself one of my users accounts was hacked (even with strong password!) and for days we were sending spam....
Separate names with a comma.