Hi team, when we update ispconfig from 3.2.9p1 to 3.2.11 and now to 3.2.11p1 I noticed the behavior of the admin monitoring panel: Most slaves...
Hi all, since the update to 3.2.10, I have the problem that the check for a new version doesn't work correctly anymore. Additionally, it seems...
Hi, sadly the new versions of moodle require a newer version of mariadb then installed by debian 11 stable. Moodle requires at least 10.6.7. To...
Hello, I have updated PHP packages installed from packages.sury.org. Now, there were new versions of php.ini configuration files available, with...
Hello, we have the problem that our clients cannot change the PHP version of their site. The pull-down is available and all versions are listed....
I'm running ISPConfig v3.2.2 on a primary server and have 3.2.0 on a secondary. These are the only two systems at this time. The configuration has...
Hi everyone, I was wondering if it was possible from ISPConfig to be able to change the PHP version of a subfolder of a web area. This is because...
Hi, from which version of ISPConfig (exactly) is ACMEv2 supported, please? I found a mention of adding acme.sh support in the...
Hello there, Adding the ability to transfer all cPanel accounts to the isp config system at one time can make the control panel more convenient....
When running /usr/local/ispconfig/server/scripts/ispconfig_update.sh , the output is fairly informative until one reaches the end of the update...
Is it still so that ISPconfig3 requires PHP 7.0 or will any of 7.1, 7.2 or 7.3 do?
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