2 Questions ;)

Discussion in 'General' started by Jordy, Jan 27, 2006.

  1. Jordy

    Jordy New Member


    I got 2 questions. I've done the perfect setup, fedora core 4, incl. ISPConfig.
    Now my first question:

    I've php 5 installed, but i want to install php 4. Does this change may crash ispconfig?

    My second question:

    I got my server behind a router with firewall. Wich ports need to be forwarded so that all services will work?


  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    No. :)

    21 - FTP
    22 - SSH
    25 - SMTP
    53 - Bind (TCP and UDP!)
    80 - HTTP
    81 - ISPConfig
    110 - POP3
    143 - IMAP
    443 - HTTPS
    993 - IMAPS
    995 - POP3s
  3. Jordy

    Jordy New Member

    tnx for the quick answer :D you're great!

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