First of all I'd like to thank you.. the tutorial page on "The Perfect Setup" was almost exactly what I was looking for to setup my home network webserver. Hold in mind I am very green to all of this and I'll beg your indulgance. The interface you chose was 42GoISP for the tutorial, while looking at the site I noticed its a trial, is there another such interface you can recommend that doesnt time out that has equally as robust? (I'm fishing for a free one here) as its for my home use (web dev etc.) and wont actually see the light of day on the net itself. Any direction you could give would be equally appreciated.
The Interface recommended in the Howtos is ISPConfig and this is an OpenSource control panel. Please read the latest versions of the Howtos at ISPConfig can be downloaded here:
Thanks alot, settingthis up using the FC tutorial now and http install so should take me a little time but I greatly look forward to the results. Thanks again for all the hard work and breaking it down to the n00b lvl. Update... (Rather than make a new post cluttering the board) Using the FC4 tutorial Link I am down to installing imap and the other packages... all went off without a hitch but I get E: Couldnt find package imap suggestions?
solved, I should have followed up as soon as I fixed it @ 10 minutes ago dont know why but in the edit I used a lower case L instead of a 1, edit and resolved thanks!