about ftp

Discussion in 'General' started by flourishing, Nov 8, 2005.

  1. flourishing

    flourishing New Member

    i installed it successly .
    i create a hostplaning ---create a client-----create site
    also i create a user named test password test .

    but i can't login ftp use this name from web-ftp neither ftp client.

    any advices?
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Did you create that user on the tab "User & Email"? Normally these users begin with web<id>_. Users you create there can login with FTP (if you've checked "FTP Access" on the "Basis" tab).
    Don't mix this up with ISPConfig users (resellers, customers). They can only login to ISPConfig.
  3. flourishing

    flourishing New Member

    thank you very much. this problem solved.

    and the second question:

    the mail user doesn't work . i also create a [email protected]

    but can't login.
    any advices?
  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    If you use an email client such as Outlook Express or Thunderbird, the login details are the same as for FTP, but you have to make sure that you enable something like "Server requires authentication." in your email client.
    In the ISPConfig webmail, you have to take the email address instead of the username. The password is the same.
  5. flourishing

    flourishing New Member

    ISP Site  
    Basis User & Email Co-Domains SSL Statistics Options  
      User     Surname     Email     Admin     CatchAll   
      web2_test     test     test     0     0   
    above is the tab of user & mail.

    and i tried to login webmail use username "[email protected]" and password "test"

    but can't login. and set up the outlook express can't login too.

    any advices or i did something wrong ?

    the second question :

    the system i already installed apache2 and after ispconfig installed . i have two apache running . but the first apache can't prase php files any longer .why ?
    the vhosts runing on which apache ?? should i stop the fisrt apache instance?
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2005
  6. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The username is: web2_test

    One apache is for the controlpanel, the other for your websites.

    Because ISPConfig has to disable it globally. Create a new website in ISPConfig and check the "PHP" checkbox and you will be able to run php scripts in this website again.

    On your main apache on port 80.

  7. flourishing

    flourishing New Member

    thank you very much to explain the second question.

    but the first question hasn't resolved . i tried you said .but still can't login.

    and other advices?
  8. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    You have to send an email first to [email protected] so that the mailbox is created. Only after it has been created will you be able to login to webmail (with [email protected] and the password test).
    For Outlook Express the username is web2_test, the password again is test.
  9. flourishing

    flourishing New Member

    i tried . but it doesn't work .
    should i change some setup of sendmail ??
    after ispconfig installed . the sendmail will work ??

    and if each user want send a mail to themself then the mailbox can work or not . it seems weird.
  10. flourishing

    flourishing New Member

    i checked maillog. find many errors. i searched it but i havn't found how to resolve it . any one can help ?
       Nov  9 00:34:11 rhel4 master[28621]: process 32156 exited, status 75
    Nov  9 00:34:11 rhel4 master[28621]: service lmtpunix pid 32156 in READY state: terminated abnormally
    Nov  9 00:34:11 rhel4 master[32164]: about to exec /usr/lib/cyrus-imapd/lmtpd
    Nov  9 00:34:11 rhel4 lmtpunix[32164]: DBERROR db4: Berkeley DB library configured to support only DB_PRIVATE environments
    Nov  9 00:34:11 rhel4 lmtpunix[32164]: DBERROR: dbenv->open '/var/lib/imap/db' failed: Invalid argument
    Nov  9 00:34:11 rhel4 lmtpunix[32164]: DBERROR: init() on berkeley
    Nov  9 00:34:11 rhel4 lmtpunix[32164]: executed
    Nov  9 00:34:11 rhel4 lmtpunix[32164]: DBERROR db4: environment not yet opened
    Nov  9 00:34:11 rhel4 lmtpunix[32164]: DBERROR: opening /var/lib/imap/deliver.db: Invalid argument
    Nov  9 00:34:11 rhel4 lmtpunix[32164]: DBERROR: opening /var/lib/imap/deliver.db: cyrusdb error
    Nov  9 00:34:11 rhel4 lmtpunix[32164]: FATAL: lmtpd: unable to init duplicate delivery database
  11. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

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