About installing ddclient

Discussion in 'Server Operation' started by satimis, Nov 25, 2006.

  1. satimis

    satimis Member

    Hi falko,

    $ cat /etc/postfix/main.cf | grep smtpd_recipient
    smtpd_recipient_restrictions = permit_sasl_authenticated,permit_mynetworks,reject_unauth_destination
    It is already there, one line.

    $ netstat - tap
    (Remark: I have to shorten the output because exceeding the limit.)
    Active Internet connections (w/o servers)
    Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State
    tcp        0      0 localhost.satimis:54347 localhost.satimis:34549 ESTABLISHED
    tcp        0      0 n219079146134.net:57580       ESTABLISHED
    tcp        0      0 n219079146134.net:57573       ESTABLISHED
    tcp        0      0 localhost.satimis:34549 localhost.satimis:54347 ESTABLISHED
    tcp        0      0 n219079146134.net:33283       ESTABLISHED
    tcp        0      0 n219079146134.net:41098         ESTABLISHED
    Active UNIX domain sockets (w/o servers)
    Proto RefCnt Flags       Type       State         I-Node Path
    unix  2      [ ]         DGRAM                    10419    /var/lib/named/dev/log
    unix  2      [ ]         DGRAM                    5329     @/org/kernel/udev/udevd
    unix  2      [ ]         DGRAM                    10893    @/org/freedesktop/hal/udev_event
    unix  25     [ ]         DGRAM                    10417    /dev/log
    unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     16250    /tmp/.X11-unix/X0
    unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     16246    @/tmp/dbus-uHNbcCtIwq
    unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     15949    /tmp/.esd-1000/socket
    unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     15939
    unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     15924    /tmp/.X11-unix/X0
    unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     15877    /tmp/orbit-satimis/linc-1876-0-5589e7e14631
    unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     15869    /tmp/.ICE-unix/6204
    unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     15864    /tmp/.X11-unix/X0
    unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     15859    /tmp/.esd-1000/socket
    unix  2      [ ]         STREAM                   15849
    unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     15838    /tmp/orbit-satimis/linc-184d-0-73e88a156784a
    unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     15837
    unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     15819    @/tmp/dbus-uHNbcCtIwq
    unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     15806    @/tmp/dbus-uHNbcCtIwq
    unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     15801    @/tmp/dbus-uHNbcCtIwq
    unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     15799    /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket
    unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     15798
    unix  2      [ ]         DGRAM                    15797
    unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     15792    /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket
    unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     15788    @/tmp/dbus-uHNbcCtIwq
    unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     15778    /tmp/orbit-satimis/linc-185e-0-21fa61aaef246
    unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     15771    /tmp/orbit-satimis/linc-1855-0-21fa61aa6bde6
    unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     15772    /tmp/orbit-satimis/linc-1864-0-4cdd968758013
    unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     15741    /tmp/.X11-unix/X0
    unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     15737    /tmp/orbit-satimis/linc-184d-0-73e88a156784a
    unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     15734    /tmp/orbit-satimis/linc-184f-0-73e88a15665d3
    unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     15731    /tmp/orbit-satimis/linc-185a-0-21fa61aa598db
    unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     15735    /tmp/orbit-satimis/linc-1864-0-4cdd968758013
    unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     15732    /tmp/orbit-satimis/linc-1864-0-4cdd968758013
    unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     15729    /tmp/orbit-satimis/linc-1864-0-4cdd968758013
    unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     15728    /tmp/orbit-satimis/linc-1864-0-4cdd968758013
    unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     15695
    unix  2      [ ]         DGRAM                    15686
    unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     15674    /tmp/.ICE-unix/6204
    unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     15669    /tmp/.X11-unix/X0
    unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     15660    /tmp/.ICE-unix/6204
    unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     15655    /tmp/.X11-unix/X0
    unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     15638    @/tmp/dbus-uHNbcCtIwq
    unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     15634    /tmp/.ICE-unix/6204
    unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     15630    @/tmp/fam-satimis-
    unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     15627    /tmp/.X11-unix/X0
    unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     15618    /tmp/.ICE-unix/6204
    unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     15613    /tmp/.X11-unix/X0
    unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     15607    /tmp/.ICE-unix/6204
    unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     15602    /tmp/.X11-unix/X0
    unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     15587    /tmp/.ICE-unix/6204
    unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     15585    /tmp/.X11-unix/X0
    unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     15579    /tmp/.ICE-unix/6204
    unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     15573    /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket
    unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     15574    @/tmp/fam-satimis-
    unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     15565    /tmp/.X11-unix/X0
    unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     15559    /tmp/.ICE-unix/6204
    unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     15552    /tmp/.X11-unix/X0
    unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     15544    /tmp/.X11-unix/X0
    unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     15532    /tmp/.X11-unix/X0
    unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     15527    /tmp/.X11-unix/X0
    unix  4      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     15506    /tmp/.X11-unix/X0
    unix  2      [ ]         DGRAM                    12897
    unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     12896
    unix  2      [ ]         DGRAM                    12756
    unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     12326  /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket
    unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     12325
    unix  2      [ ]         DGRAM                    12316
    unix  2      [ ]         DGRAM                    11223
    unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     11207    /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket
    unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     11177    @/tmp/hald-local/dbus-FE36tIWH2x
    unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     11175
    unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     11169
    unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     11160
    unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     11152
    unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     10999    /var/run/acpid.socket
    unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     10993
    unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     10887
    unix  2      [ ]         DGRAM                    10464
    $ sudo postfix check
    No printout

    Now I can send mail with postfix relayed via ISP server with following steps;

    adding following line on main.cf
    $ cat /etc/postfix/main.cf | grep relayhost
    relayhost = [smtp.netvigator.com]
    creating following file;
    $ cat /etc/postfix/sasl_passwd
    [smtp.netvigator.com]            login:password
    but unable sending mail direct on port 25.


  2. satimis

    satimis Member

    Hi falko,

    Previously I ran "satimis.homelinux.com" as domain registered with dyndns.org

    # /etc/ddclient.conf
    use=web, web=checkip.dyndns.org/, web-skip='IP Address'
    #use=if, if=eth0
    custom=yes, example.com
    Each time IP address of the server changed the IP address on dyndns.com website also changed.
    (remark: IP address only changed on connection)

    Now I'm running "satimis.freeddns.com" as domain registered with "http://www.changeip.com/". Please advise how to change "ddclienc.conf".


  3. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Any errors in your mail log when you try to send emails?
    It must be
    netstat -tap
    , not
    netstat - tap
    This part looks wrong in your ddclient.conf, because normally all entries are like
  4. martinfst

    martinfst Member Moderator

    An ADSL router itself normally blocks ping requests. You need to "open" this post on your ADSL router.
  5. satimis

    satimis Member

    Hi falko,

    IIRC " not found"

    "" is the "IP in Database/DNS" of dyndns.com

    $ netstat -tap
    (Not all processes could be identified, non-owned process info
     will not be shown, you would have to be root to see it all.)
    Active Internet connections (servers and established)
    Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State PID/Program name
    tcp        0      0 *:nfs                   *:*                     LISTEN     -
    tcp        0      0 *:37187                 *:*                     LISTEN     -
    tcp        0      0 localhost.satimis:mysql *:*                     LISTEN     -
    tcp        0      0 localhost.sa:submission *:*                     LISTEN     -
    tcp        0      0 localhost.satimi:sunrpc *:*                     LISTEN     -
    tcp        0      0 *:x11                   *:*                     LISTEN     -
    tcp        0      0 localhost.satimis:37616 *:*                     LISTEN     -
    tcp        0      0 *:691                   *:*                     LISTEN     -
    tcp        0      0 *:ftp                   *:*                     LISTEN     -
    tcp        0      0 n219079147152.ne:domain *:*                     LISTEN     -
    tcp        0      0 localhost.satimi:domain *:*                     LISTEN     -
    tcp        0      0 localhost.satimis.f:ipp *:*                     LISTEN     -
    tcp        0      0 *:8888                  *:*                     LISTEN     -
    tcp        0      0 localhost.satimis.:smtp *:*                     LISTEN     -
    tcp        0      0 *:697                   *:*                     LISTEN     -
    tcp        0      0 localhost.satimis.f:953 *:*                     LISTEN     -
    tcp        0      0 *:954                   *:*                     LISTEN     -
    tcp        0      0 localhost.satimis:33119 *:*                     LISTEN     -
    tcp        0      0 localhost.satimis:37616 localhost.satimis:41099 ESTABLISHED-
    tcp        0      0 localhost.satimis:41099 localhost.satimis:37616 ESTABLISHED-
    tcp        0      0 n219079147152.net:57547        ESTABLISHED5696/firefox-bin
    tcp        0      1 n219079147152.net:57180 n219079145220.netv:smtp SYN_SENT   -
    tcp        0      0 n219079147152.net:54425         ESTABLISHED5696/firefox-bin
    tcp6       0      0 *:imaps                 *:*                     LISTEN     -
    tcp6       0      0 *:pop3s                 *:*                     LISTEN     -
    tcp6       0      0 *:2222                  *:*                     LISTEN     -
    tcp6       0      0 *:pop3                  *:*                     LISTEN     -
    tcp6       0      0 *:imap2                 *:*                     LISTEN     -
    tcp6       0      0 *:x11                   *:*                     LISTEN     -
    tcp6       0      0 *:www                   *:*                     LISTEN     -
    tcp6       0      0 *:webcache              *:*                     LISTEN     -
    tcp6       0      0 ip6-localhost:953       *:*                     LISTEN     -
    tcp6       0      0 *:https                 *:*                     LISTEN     -
    What will be the correct entry here? Tks.

  6. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Please run
    postconf -e 'inet_interfaces = all'
    and restart Postfix.

    I don't know, I'm no ddclient expert. Did you look at the ddclient documentation?
  7. satimis

    satimis Member

    Hi falko,

    $ sudo postconf -e 'inet_interfaces = all'
    sudo: postconf: command not found
    * end *

    $ which postconf
    No Printout

  8. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Please log in as root instead of using sudo.
  9. satimis

    satimis Member

    Hi falko,


    After erasing Sendmail and running;
    # apt-get install postfix

    Postfix is now running and postconf found

    $ ps aux | grep postfix
    root      5136  0.0  0.1  29248  1160 ?        Ss   16:38   0:00 /usr/sbin/saslauthd -m /var/spool/postfix/var/run/saslauthd -r -a pam
    root      5141  0.0  0.0  29248   740 ?        S    16:38   0:00 /usr/sbin/saslauthd -m /var/spool/postfix/var/run/saslauthd -r -a pam
    root      5143  0.0  0.0  29248   672 ?        S    16:38   0:00 /usr/sbin/saslauthd -m /var/spool/postfix/var/run/saslauthd -r -a pam
    root      5144  0.0  0.0  29248   672 ?        S    16:38   0:00 /usr/sbin/saslauthd -m /var/spool/postfix/var/run/saslauthd -r -a pam
    root      5145  0.0  0.0  29248   672 ?        S    16:38   0:00 /usr/sbin/saslauthd -m /var/spool/postfix/var/run/saslauthd -r -a pam
    root      6360  0.0  0.1  19552  2020 ?        Ss   17:58   0:00 /usr/lib/postfix/master
    postfix   6362  0.0  0.1  20628  1980 ?        S    17:58   0:00 qmgr -l -t fifo -u
    postfix   6372  0.0  0.1  20588  1960 ?        S    17:58   0:00 proxymap -t unix -u
    postfix   6971  0.0  0.1  20584  1940 ?        S    19:38   0:00 pickup -l -t fifo -u -c
    satimis   6983  0.0  0.0   3948   908 pts/0    R+   19:39   0:00 grep postfix
    $ which postconf

    But the old problem returned failing to send mail via relayhost.

    $ cat /etc/postfix/main.cf | grep relayhost
    relayhost = [ndsmtp.netvigator.com]

    Before installing Sendmail I was able sending mails via ISP mail server.

    New domain:- satimis.homelinux.com

    $ sudo telnet localhost 25
    Connected to localhost.satimis.homelinux.com.
    Escape character is '^]'.
    ehlo satimis.homelinux.com
    (it hangs here)
    $cat /etc/postfix/main.cf
    #myorigin = /etc/mailname
    smtpd_banner = $myhostname ESMTP $mail_name (Ubuntu)
    biff = no
    # appending .domain is the MUA's job.
    append_dot_mydomain = no
    # Uncomment the next line to generate "delayed mail" warnings
    #delay_warning_time = 4h
    # TLS parameters
    smtpd_tls_cert_file = /etc/postfix/ssl/smtpd.crt
    smtpd_tls_key_file = /etc/postfix/ssl/smtpd.key
    smtpd_use_tls = yes
    smtpd_tls_session_cache_database = btree:${queue_directory}/smtpd_scache
    smtp_tls_session_cache_database = btree:${queue_directory}/smtp_scache
    # See /usr/share/doc/postfix/TLS_README.gz in the postfix-doc package for
    # information on enabling SSL in the smtp client.
    #myhostname = server1.example.com
    #myhostname = mail.satimis.freeddns.com
    myhostname = satimis.homelinux.com
    #mydomain = satimis.freeddns.com
    mydomain = satimis.homelinux.com
    alias_maps = hash:/etc/aliases
    alias_database = hash:/etc/aliases
    #myorigin = /etc/mailname
    #mydestination = /etc/postfix/local-host-names
    myorigin = $myhostname
    mydestination = $myhostname, localhost.$mydomain, localhost
    #relayhost = satimis.homelinux.com
    relayhost = [ndsmtp.netvigator.com]
    mynetworks =,
    mailbox_size_limit = 0
    recipient_delimiter = +
    inet_interfaces = all
    inet_protocols = all
    smtpd_sasl_local_domain =
    smtpd_sasl_auth_enable = yes
    smtpd_sasl_security_options = noanonymous
    broken_sasl_auth_clients = yes
    smtpd_recipient_restrictions = permit_sasl_authenticated,permit_mynetworks,reje$smtpd_tls_auth_only = no
    smtp_use_tls = yes
    smtp_sasl_auth_enable = yes
    smtp_sasl_password_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/sasl_passwd
    smtp_sasl_type = cyrus
    smtp_tls_note_starttls_offer = yes
    smtpd_tls_CAfile = /etc/postfix/ssl/cacert.pem
    smtpd_tls_loglevel = 1
    smtpd_tls_received_header = yes
    smtpd_tls_session_cache_timeout = 3600s
    tls_random_source = dev:/dev/urandom
    mailbox_command =
    home_mailbox = Maildir/
    virtual_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/virtusertable
    $ /etc/hosts
    Code:       localhost.satimis.homelinux.com  localhost   mail.satimis.homelinux.com mail
    # The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts
    ::1     ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
    fe00::0 ip6-localnet
    ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix
    ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
    ff02::2 ip6-allrouters
    ff02::3 ip6-allhosts
    $ cat /etc/hostname

  10. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    I was thinking you had Postfix installed all the time... :(

    Any errors in your mail log? What's the output of
    postfix check
    ? Do you have ISPConfig installed?
  11. satimis

    satimis Member

    Hi falko,

    Yes, except at the time I installed "sendmail". postfix was removed automatically because Ubuntu only allows one MTA. After testing I removed "sendmail" and reinstall "postfix". It came to the present situation.

    $ tail -f /var/log/mail.err
    Dec 18 09:04:49 #mail postfix/cleanup[5990]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/virtusertable.db: No such file or directory
    Dec 18 09:05:50 #mail postfix/cleanup[5996]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/virtusertable.db: No such file or directory
    Dec 18 09:06:51 #mail postfix/cleanup[5997]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/virtusertable.db: No such file or directory
    Dec 18 09:07:52 #mail postfix/cleanup[5998]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/virtusertable.db: No such file or directory
    Dec 18 09:08:53 #mail postfix/cleanup[5999]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/virtusertable.db: No such file or directory
    Dec 18 09:09:54 #mail postfix/cleanup[6010]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/virtusertable.db: No such file or directory
    Dec 18 09:10:39 #mail postfix/pickup[5953]: fatal: watchdog timeout
    Dec 18 09:10:55 #mail postfix/cleanup[6011]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/virtusertable.db: No such file or directory
    Dec 18 09:11:56 #mail postfix/cleanup[6018]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/virtusertable.db: No such file or directory
    Dec 18 09:12:57 #mail postfix/cleanup[6019]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/virtusertable.db: No such file or directory
    $ tail -f /var/log/mail.log
    Dec 18 09:10:40 #mail postfix/master[5000]: warning: /usr/lib/postfix/pickup: bad command startup -- throttling
    Dec 18 09:10:55 #mail postfix/cleanup[6011]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/virtusertable.db: No such file or directory
    Dec 18 09:10:56 #mail postfix/master[5000]: warning: process /usr/lib/postfix/cleanup pid 6011 exit status 1
    Dec 18 09:10:56 #mail postfix/master[5000]: warning: /usr/lib/postfix/cleanup: bad command startup -- throttling
    Dec 18 09:11:56 #mail postfix/cleanup[6018]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/virtusertable.db: No such file or directory
    Dec 18 09:11:57 #mail postfix/master[5000]: warning: process /usr/lib/postfix/cleanup pid 6018 exit status 1
    Dec 18 09:11:57 #mail postfix/master[5000]: warning: /usr/lib/postfix/cleanup: bad command startup -- throttling
    Dec 18 09:12:57 #mail postfix/cleanup[6019]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/virtusertable.db: No such file or directory
    Dec 18 09:12:58 #mail postfix/master[5000]: warning: process /usr/lib/postfix/cleanup pid 6019 exit status 1
    Dec 18 09:12:58 #mail postfix/master[5000]: warning: /usr/lib/postfix/cleanup: bad command startup -- throttling
    # postfix check
    No output

    # ps aux | grep postfix
    root      5000  0.0  0.1  19552  2020 ?        Ss   08:36   0:00 /usr/lib/postfix/master
    postfix   5019  0.0  0.1  20588  1960 ?        S    08:36   0:00 pickup -l -t fifo -u -c
    root      5028  0.0  0.1  29248  1164 ?        Ss   08:36   0:00 /usr/sbin/saslauthd -m /var/spool/postfix/var/run/saslauthd -r -a pam
    root      5041  0.0  0.0  29248   744 ?        S    08:36   0:00 /usr/sbin/saslauthd -m /var/spool/postfix/var/run/saslauthd -r -a pam
    root      5042  0.0  0.0  29248   676 ?        S    08:36   0:00 /usr/sbin/saslauthd -m /var/spool/postfix/var/run/saslauthd -r -a pam
    root      5043  0.0  0.0  29248   676 ?        S    08:36   0:00 /usr/sbin/saslauthd -m /var/spool/postfix/var/run/saslauthd -r -a pam
    root      5044  0.0  0.0  29248   676 ?        S    08:36   0:00 /usr/sbin/saslauthd -m /var/spool/postfix/var/run/saslauthd -r -a pam
    postfix   5435  0.0  0.1  20624  1972 ?        S    08:37   0:00 qmgr -l -t fifo -u
    root      5929  0.0  0.0   3944   900 pts/0    R+   08:44   0:00 grep postfix

    # apt-cache show ispconfig
    W: Unable to locate package ispconfig
    E: No packages found

    # dpkg -l | grep ispconfig
    No printout.


  12. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Please run
    postmap hash:/etc/postfix/virtusertable
    /etc/init.d/postfix restart
  13. satimis

    satimis Member

    Hi falko,

    I have my problem solved. Mails can be sent arriving their destination as well.

    smtpd_banner = $myhostname ESMTP $mail_name (Ubuntu)
    biff = no
    # appending .domain is the MUA's job.
    append_dot_mydomain = no
    # TLS parameters
    smtpd_tls_cert_file = /etc/postfix/ssl/smtpd.crt
    smtpd_tls_key_file = /etc/postfix/ssl/smtpd.key
    smtpd_use_tls = yes
    smtpd_tls_session_cache_database = btree:${queue_directory}/smtpd_scache
    smtp_tls_session_cache_database = btree:${queue_directory}/smtp_scache
    myhostname = satimis.homelinux.com
    mydomain = satimis.homelinux.com
    alias_maps = hash:/etc/aliases
    myorigin = $myhostname
    mydestination = $myhostname, localhost.$mydomain, localhost
    relayhost = [ndsmtp.netvigator.com]
    mynetworks =,
    mailbox_size_limit = 0
    recipient_delimiter = +
    inet_interfaces = all
    inet_protocols = all
    smtpd_sasl_local_domain =
    smtpd_sasl_auth_enable = yes
    smtpd_sasl_security_options = noanonymous
    broken_sasl_auth_clients = yes
    smtpd_recipient_restrictions = permit_sasl_authenticated,permit_mynetworks,reject_unauth_destination
    smtpd_tls_auth_only = no
    smtp_use_tls = yes
    smtp_sasl_auth_enable = yes
    smtp_sasl_password_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/sasl_passwd
    smtp_sasl_type = cyrus
    smtp_tls_note_starttls_offer = yes
    smtpd_tls_CAfile = /etc/postfix/ssl/cacert.pem
    smtpd_tls_loglevel = 1
    smtpd_tls_received_header = yes
    smtpd_tls_session_cache_timeout = 3600s
    tls_random_source = dev:/dev/urandom
    mailbox_command =
    home_mailbox = Maildir/
    #virtual_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/virtusertable
    Ubuntu allows only one MTA.

    My ISP adds "nd" infront of "smtp.netvigator.com" made me suffered wating lot of time.

    satimis.homelinux.com registered with dyndns.org/com also works without problem. It concludes my test on dynamic IP. Tks.

    My next test will be on static IP. I'm now negotiating a plan with my ISP and I'm prepared to register a domain for further test. Tks again.

    Last edited: Dec 21, 2006

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