Hi, just noticed on my main server there is an error when trying to renew the cert. Code: [Mi 8. Feb 00:32:07 CET 2023] panel.xxxxxxx.cloud:Verify error:18xxxxxxxxx: Fetching https://panel.xxxxxx.well-known/acme-challenge/xxxxxxx: Invalid host in redirect target The "/" is missing which results in an invalid URL. I don't know where to check this, as the .conf for this under /root/.acme.sh seems fine.
You're most likly correct. Didn't thought about it at all but i do indeed redirect http to https Code: Redirect permanent / https://panel.xxxxxx.cloud/ missed the / at the end. Should work now Thank you
You configured the HTTP to HTTPS redirect manually? Why not use the checkbox at the bottom of the Redirect tab? Than ISPConfig will configure the redirect for you and you can't make any typo's.