You can customize your website with the ISPC URL login by adding the ISPC login link in the webpage, otherwise bookmark the ISPC login page will work for you.
You cant embed the ispconfig login on a external page easily as the login os loaded with ajax into the ispconfig main page layout.
hahaha I still remember trying to do the same and had trouble with ajax . So I try to do manual post submit but wont work. IIRC the ISPC php login page got me confuse.
Is there any way to prefill the fields for the username/password? Trying to have customer access ISPConfig from billing system without logging into another cp and we know what the login/password is and would like to make it as easy as possible. I know the ajax complicates it, but is there any way to at least fill in the username/password fields so all they have to do is hit the login button? Thanks!