add swap file on debian

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by livetv, Feb 11, 2015.

  1. livetv

    livetv Member

  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    On the host server: yes
    Inside the vm: no

    Swap inside a vm is defined on the openvz config file of that vm on the host server.
  3. livetv

    livetv Member

    so what should i do if nagios -
    Service State Information
    Current Status:
    (for 6d 15h 43m 5s)
    Status Information: SWAP CRITICAL - 0% free (0 MB out of 0 MB) - Swap is either disabled, not present, or of zero size.
    Performance Data: swap=0MB;0;0;0;0
    Current Attempt: 4/4 (HARD state)
    Last Check Time: 02-11-2015 09:28:12
    Check Type: ACTIVE
    Check Latency / Duration: 0.000 / 0.002 seconds
    Next Scheduled Check: 02-11-2015 09:33:12
    Last State Change: 02-04-2015 17:46:54
    Last Notification: 02-11-2015 09:28:12 (notification 157)
    Is This Service Flapping?
    (0.00% state change)
    In Scheduled Downtime?
    Last Update: 02-11-2015 09:29:57 ( 0d 0h 0m 2s ago)
    Active Checks:
    Passive Checks:
    Event Handler:
    Flap Detection:
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Either disable the swap check in nagios as its a false positive (yu dont need swap in a openvz container) or you configure swap in the openvz config for this vm (which basically just simulates swap so that appliactions that check for the existance of swap space think that there is swap).

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