Hello i use a script which has a build-in notification system when someone posts something on the site i get a notified. now i only started getting the **SPAM** mark just after i change the outboard delivery email for the script to [email protected]. the reason for the change is because hotmail was spamming all other email addresses from this domain apart from the postmaster. i have been battling with hotmail for a long time now and this seems to fix my problem the admin notification mail is always delivered by webmaster. i also see a difference in the title, there is a gap. heres of before and after , that gap isn't show when posted in this thread here is my email header. i dont really understand but i think its something to do with an image that's sent with almost every notitication. i never noticed any bother with until the outboard delivery mail address was changed Thank you
I don't think that your problem is caused by the title. You can see the rules that got applied in the mail header, the highest score is: FREEMAIL_FORGED_REPLYTO=2.503 So the problem is as far as I understand the message that the replyto address is from a freemail account and amavis sees this as faked sender address as your server is not that freemail hoster. HTML_IMAGE_ONLY_16=1.048 Probably just an image inside the html part of the email. emails with just an image and without text are unusual for "real" emails, so this causes a high score as well. You probably have to change the replyto address to a non hotmail address.
Hi Till thank you for your quick reply the replyto address is set by the user who actually send the message. i just get a copy sent to admin for moderation. i just had another look and now these message are not being marked as spam . there is no replyto address in the header. my dkim is also now showing in the header which it never did with the spam mark message :-/ the world of email servers could put you around the twist lol