Since we are using debian stable to create a server with ISPconfig. I figure these would be solid howto's on how to make debian a little more up to date. 1) A how to on setting up Java and debian together with ISPconfig. 2) A how to on how to get newer deb packages put on Sarge (3.1) and not break ISPconfig. 3) Last but not least how to setup oscommerce, with the proper mysql db so users can run a commerce site with ISPconfig. Again asking a lot so I am very sorry, but these are just suggestion for an already great site. I figured out a while ago these are the how to's that are somewhat valuable, number 3 being probaby the most functional out of all of them. However, number 3 could very well mean that number 2 needs the required updates.
That's no problem. You can update as before, it won't break ISPConfig. You can do that as stated in the OsCommerce installation instructions, this has nothing to do with ISPConfig. You can use ISPConfig to create a web site and a MySQL database, and in that web site you can install OsCommerce using the database you've just created.
So I can set my debs to testing and not stable? I thought I would have to do something like apt pinning, but I see now that isn't the case
did you try ttoo inssall oscmmerce or oscmax? the script for install, start perfect, in the second step start a loop and dont go to the 3 step. Somthing on my configuracion on php or mysql is not good but i dont have the expertice for determinate what is. would you try to install some one and teach to us what are doing bad or what we have to configure for thats programs works. My distribution is fedora core 4 and i follow the perfect setup for install ispconfig. After change register_globals to on on etc/php.ini i have that problem. Very thanks in advantage for your esforce investing your time for do that instalation. newzen- Eduardo
i dont have error messages! only have a loop on step 2 into the install scriipt for oscomerce and osxmax! this window is for create database and configure seting. never goto the staep 3 into the instalation. Thanks, i hope you can help me.
i put a echo statments in the firts line of the code, never display! i dont now wath can i do. I think is a problem with PHP confiruration, i tryed to put in safemode off and dont works. the program of instalation always call the same page, dont read the information or continue bouttom. Do you have another idea? any one is good!! i have no idea. Thanks for your time and help.