Android Application questions

Discussion in 'Plugins/Modules/Addons' started by jboud, Apr 28, 2014.

  1. jboud

    jboud Member

    Hello, nice job about the application, just bought it. I have some questions about it.

    Does it have any notification about problems on any server? I don't see any and it would be awesome if it would have something like, set threshold for CPU usage and alarm you, or threshold for mailq and alarm you, etc.
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The current version of the app has no notification functions. But we are working on a android dashboard applet so tht the app show alerts on the dashboard as well.
  3. jboud

    jboud Member

    Awesome, thx :)
  4. velus

    velus New Member

    about andriod app

    hello i am currently learning the andriod language (well java and in perticulair the andriod part) is there anyway of getting the sourcecode so i can look at it and see if i can implament some things to it like the background services, notifactions, and also mass email to customers etc
  5. Croydon

    Croydon ISPConfig Developer ISPConfig Developer

    No, there isn't.
  6. System_Owner

    System_Owner Member

    Android App

    I too bought the Android app, and it´s awesome. I was running just a 1 server test and configured the app for it and it showed everything I needed.

    Then when I rebuilt things into a 2 server mirror configuration, I didnt have to change anything on the android app to get the second server, it appeared automatically.

    It was well worth buying!

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