Anitvirus warning

Discussion in 'General' started by atlas.wong, Jul 31, 2023.

  1. atlas.wong

    atlas.wong New Member

    I have got a warning from my Kaspersky that the downloaded ispconifg (3.2.9) contains Backdoor.PHP.WebShell.gen
    May I know if any one can confirmed that whether the ispconfig is safe for use or not?
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    ISPConfig does not contain any backdoors. That's a heuristic warning and not an actual signature for any backdoor software, which makes it very likely that this is a false positive. Tell Kaspersky to let you download the software, then unpack the tar.gz, scan the unpacked folder again so Kaspersky can tell you which PHP file it believes is infected, then send me that file by email to dev at ispconfig dot org so I can check it. But there are some other questions: where did you download ISPConfig from? And why do you download such an old version, not a current one?
    ahrasis likes this.

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