Hi, In the API, for example in the sites_web_domain_get() fonction, the parameters are $session_id and $primary_id. The $session_id param is clear, but what does the $primary_id relate to? is it the domain_id from table web_domain, or is it something more complicated? Thanks for your reply.
The primary ID is the primary ID (auto increment) field of the table, in case of the websites, it is the domain_id. But you can also pass a array to all _get functions as primary ID, an arry switsches the function to search mode. e.g. array('domain' => 'yourdomain.tld') to get the website for yourdmain.tld
I still have a question. Some function have a get_all variant, some other have not. I achieved to do the same by using PHP: $domains = $client->sites_web_domain_get($session_id, array('domain' => '%')); Is it ok to use this functions in this ways (%)? Or should I create new get_all functions? Thanks Jonas
Thats ok. the get_all functions are old, they existed befot´re the search functionw as implemented and they will get marked as deprecetd in one of the next versions to clean up the api, so better use the _get functions.