apt-get repositories

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by brianetilley, Dec 5, 2005.

  1. brianetilley

    brianetilley New Member

    Is there a list of apt-get repositories for Debian Sarge? The ones installed as part of 'The Perfect Setup' do not have the libsasl2 sasl2-bin libsasl2-modules packages...and I can go no further in the installation. Any help greatly appreciated.

  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    This is my /etc/apt/sources.list:
    deb http://ftp2.de.debian.org/debian/ stable main
    deb-src http://ftp2.de.debian.org/debian/ stable main
    deb http://security.debian.org/ stable/updates main
    Don't forget to run
    apt-get update
    after you've changed /etc/apt/sources.list!
  3. brianetilley

    brianetilley New Member

    I changed my /etc/apt/sources.list to match yours. I tried 'apt-cache search libsas12' and got the following error message: - stat (2 No such file or directory). When I try apt-get update the system hangs on 'deb http://security.debian.org/ stable/updates main'. Any suggestions??? Thanks

  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    It's libsasl2, not libsas12!

    Sometimes security.debian.org is very slow because there are no mirrors, and therefore sometimes the network bandwidth is saturated if lots of clients try to update packages...

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