Hi, I noticed that Autoinstaller did not install "borgbackup" on my Debian 11. I also got a waring at the installation process: [WARN] Unexpected resolver response: Server: (/lib/os/class.ISPConfigDebianOS.inc.php:1014)
I have crrated a issue for the borgbackup issue: https://git.ispconfig.org/ispconfig/ispconfig-autoinstaller/-/issues/80 Seems like there was a unexpected response from a nameserver, that doesn't usually happen but shouldn't be a big problem either.
I'm new to the Autoinstaller so i have 2 more little questions. 1. If i change the MySQL root password after the Autoinstaller, do i have to change it also somewhere else? 2. How can i add an SSL Certificate to the Control Panel and FTP after the Autoinstaller?
No, should not be necessary, as ISPConfig creates a separate non-root user for it's actions. Run Code: ispconfig_update.sh --force and answer yes when asked if you want to get a new SSL cert.
Thom is right that ISPConfig itself creates its own MySQL user for the GUI and server part with lower privileges, but the MySQL root user is needed nonetheless for creating new databases and database users, so you must change it in /usr/local/ispconfig/server/lib/mysql_clientdb.conf file.
I noticed that Autoinstaller still has bugs reports open form over a year ago. We also don't have any Debian 11 Perfect Server instruction. Now I'm not sure how i should setup a bug free ISPConfig on Debian 11.
Sure, any large project has not really relevant or non-reproducible issues that have been reported, so nothing to worry about as this does not mean that the auto-installer is not working. The setup that the auto-installer produces is way better and more complete than any perfect server guide. I installed all my Debian 11 systems using the auto-installer and they all work perfectly. And regarding borg backup, it is not installed in any perfect server guide as well and we do not plan to add it. It is an optional feature that has been provided by a third-party contributor, we do not support that. We will make a perfect server guide as some people still want it, but it will contain just the things found in old perfect server guides and not the functions and features provided by the auto installer. Yes, simply because the auto installer works better and produces a more complete setup. Just run the auto-installer as described here: https://www.howtoforge.com/ispconfig-autoinstall-debian-ubuntu/ This will give you way fewer issues than using the old perfect server guides.
I noticed this because if i click in ISPConfig on "System -> Server Config -> Server" i got this orange message below: "The following backup mode can not be used because the required tools are not installed: BorgBackup" True that's way i think the auto installer is the most important thing in ISPConfig. But we still have same small little bugs that need some love, because after the installation those bugs will never be fixed with an ISPConfig update.
I noticed the update made by Thom and commit by Till 3 months ago, though after doing an update from 3.2.8p1 to 3.2.9p1 today, the warning message "The following backup mode can not be used because the required tools are not installed: BorgBackup" still exists in "System -> Server Config -> Server". Does this mean that expected backups could be in trouble? Or simply that the use of BorgBackup won't be used and backups will perform as they always have, and we can just ignore that warning message altogether? As an aside, I did a clean install of ispConfig on my local server and I don't get that warning on the same page in "System -> Server Config -> Server" Aside 2, this might not be the right place for this but... I notice that after each time I do an update and go through the 'server config' tabs, it's always updating something without me making any changes to any fields on each tab. Am I overwriting something that the update has made? and / or should I remember to always do this after each ispConfig update to ensure everything is working as expected? What would happen if I did an update and didn't go through each server config tab... would everything still work? Just curious because it happens everytime and I don't know if something is being overwritten that shouldn't be, even though I didn't make any changes.
The message means that BorgBackup was not found on the server and therefore it can not be used. This has no effect on other backup modes. That's normal and nothing to worry about. No