Autoresponder gone

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by kanal42, Oct 28, 2005.

  1. kanal42

    kanal42 New Member

    [Solved] Autoresponder gone


    I am running go 2.10 on Debian 3.1 (Sarge) and my problem is the following:

    1. I create a new account and activate the autoresponder - safe
    2. I relogin to change the autoresponder data/settings: GONE! Nothing, it just looks, like all the settings have gone
    3. Finally the responder does not respond...

    I checked the manual and the forum, but it seems, like nobody had this problem before. Can anyone advise me, where to fix this? Btw: In the manual you mention a FAQ where I can find more info about the responder, but I can't even find the FAQ :(,

    any help welcome ;)

    regards maik
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2005
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Can you please try another browser or set you browser to medium, Maybe it has blocked some of the javascript calls or header redirects in the interface.

    The FAQ is currently rebuild and will be back online soon.
  3. kanal42

    kanal42 New Member

    Getting closer...

    Hi till,

    if have changed the IE settings to accept like anything. I am also running firefox and opera. All the same. Now I found a lot of accounts, where I cannot access the autoreply anymore and I have created a new one, where I did not set anything but the autoreply (eg. forward, alias, ...) everything works fine. So the autoreply must interfere with some other option set...

    Ideas? (I'll check in parallel),

    thanx maik
  4. kanal42

    kanal42 New Member

    [Solved] - Bug? Autoresponder gone

    So, I got it:

    One cannot use mailforward and autoreply...but why? If you activate the forwarder, the autoreply stops working ;(

    regards maik
  5. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Thats strange and not the expected behaviour ;) I will have a look at the code to find out whats going wrong there.
  6. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Not a bug, but a feature! :D
    The autoresponder works only together with mailforwards if you also select "Keep local copy". The autoresponder is the last script in a row that is executed when a mail arrives. If the mail has already been forwarded to another account, then the autoresponder script isn't executed anymore, unless you chose "Keep local copy".
  7. kanal42

    kanal42 New Member

    Feature - ;)

    So you say ;).

    I have to confess, that the docu isn't really, well let's say complete. It is more a kind of - "I am done - mum" ;).

    I will probably start some docu for my customers - in german mainly. Therefor I have created a little wiki. But before I start in to deep: Are you planning to switch to wiki for docu and let "us" do the nice job of documentation? I would probably spent some time therefor!

    best regards

  8. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Hi Maik,

    we have already setup a wiki for the ISPCOnfig Doku. I will have to do some more customizing in the templates and then i will get it online the next days.

    Any Help in maintaining the Doku is welcome :)


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