Hi everybody Sometimes does the autoresponder work and sometimes not. I don't know where the failure is. I did a postfix restart but nothing changed, after several hours (maybe a day??) everything is for 2-3 autoresponder messages fine and then just silence. The e-mails are coming in just fine, also sending e-mails is no problem. What's my mistake, where can I trace it? Thanks for any help or reference!
Can you see anything related to this in the mail log? BTW, one person receives an autoresponder message only once. For example, user1 has set up an autoresponder. Shortly afterwards, user2 sends an email to user1, and user2 receives the autoresponder message. Then user2 sends another message to user1, but this time user2 does not get the autoresponder message again because he has already received it once.
Uhhh...that's ugly. In which period? Once a day, a week, a quarter, a year, ever? How can I disable this?
I wont disable that at all. If you disbales this and user1 and user2 have an aotorespibder enabled, they will flood your mailserver with messages
I see. But I'm not happy with that. Is that a Postfix related Issue? Any (half-)commercial mail provider that I know, sends everytime you send a message an autoresponder message to the sender (obviously only if it is activated) regardless how many times he sent a message with the same account. Most of the solution have a autoresponder-identifier to solve the problem you listed above. Hmmm...that's for sure a postfix issue, or? If so, I'm not the first person with that question...I will ask google ^^ Thanks for the hint!
I'am not sure if it is defined in the postfix config. I think it is defined anywhere in the autoresponder procmail recipe.
Normally autoresponders are for people that are absent. For example. user1 is on holidays for 2 weeks. If user2 send 10 mails to user1 in that period, it doesn't make sense to send 10 autoresponder messsages to user2 telling him user1 is on holidays - one will be enough.
Normally is not normal. I believe such decisions should be made by the user and not by the developper. If you would like to approve the receipt of the e-mail(s) you need to sent several autoresponder messages. Iex. if you running a webshop and the user makes 2 orders on the same day. One time he get a message the other time not. [okok, a webshop would have his own approve-modul...then let's take the service desk ^^]