How do i check, where are they. If they would be big because i have lots of visitors then they are probably not to big, none of the sites on my server are really public. If they could be big for some other reason then its a possibility. I've tried uppping the limits in /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini but i couldnt even get that to work. Do i need to clear out these logs you talk about? UPDATE: I upped the limit and misspelled, now it is working with the upped php.ini file.
Sorry for the late reply, I was quite bussy. Code: du -h /home/www/ depending on your settings it may also be /var/www/
Hi, does this package work with suexec support? The one wich I have implemented will not work with suexec, because is not in docroot. Daniel
Actually, it's integrated in the dev version. But this version really needs more testing. So anyone who want's to contribute please test the dev version and report all bugs.
just installed this awstats module with following the guide on, on Debian etch with last stable ispconfig for now it works great I launched manually the awstats script and it generated everything in about 20min without problem. one question, after an ispconfig upgrade, should I reinstall the awstats module, or it is moved automatically during the upgrade ? also, what is "Erstelle Statistik Verzeichnis" in the result of the awstats script ? thanks
Actually you have to reinstall after an ISPConfig upgrade. It's just telling you that it's created the stats directory. Regards
I upgrade to latest version of AWStats 6.7 Beta 2 (on ISPConfig stable 2.2.15), but not show any icon, flags and colors of graphics bar. Some suggestion? J.F. Ruano
Yes, they seem to be a bug, but I can not find where. Can you please post the output of Code: ls -la /home/admispconfig/ispconfig/tools/awstats
This the result : ruano:/# ls -la /home/admispconfig/ispconfig/tools/awstats lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 46 2007-08-12 02:44 /home/admispconfig/ispconfig/tools/awstats -> /home/admispconfig/ispconfig/tools/awstats-6.7 J.F. Ruano
Solved I have solved the problem modifying line 222 of /etc/awstats/shared.conf changed with: I don't know if it is correct, but now works well any other solution ? J.F. Ruano.
If this solves the problem, it's ok, but it doesn't help me with finding the bug . Do you have this line in your apache2.conf ? Code: Alias /icons/ "/usr/share/apache2/icons/" what is the error you get in your error log? a 404 for icon? What is the full path in the log? this would be very helpful. thanks Jonas
Hi Jonas Yes I have this line, but the dir /icons/ "/usr/share/apache2/icons/ has any icon or folders of awstats Code: what is the error you get in your error log? a 404 for icon? /icon/other/awstats_logo6.png ..... Code: What is the full path in the log? /var/www/webXX/log Best regards J.F. Ruano
Sorry, I made a wrong cut and past, I meat Code: Alias /icon "/home/admispconfig/ispconfig/tools/awstats/wwwroot/icon/"
Yes, also I have included at the end of the file, this the code of end file: Code: ### AWStats Section ### Alias /icon "/home/admispconfig/ispconfig/tools/awstats/wwwroot/icon/" ### End of AWStats Section ### Include /etc/apache2/vhosts/Vhosts_ispconfig.conf J.F. Ruano.
icons and left menu Hi, Today I installed the beta-2 from you website and I also mis the icons. I see the apache2.conf was backupped and apache was restarted but there is no change in made in apache2.conf maybe that is the problem? I now changed the apache2.conf by hand, but I still miss the left menu and the page does not look as my old awstats on my old server.. Hope you can help me, and thanks for making the script in the first place.. p.s. I also have no stats < october.. I tried the command line of page 6, and got a new html for month 9 but data is set to month 10, i also include the -log in your second post about the rebuild of the old data..
Ok, I will have to look at the installer, this is maybe due to a change in the default apache configuration file. This is the static version, so you will not get the scroll down menus. If you need them have a look at this forum there is a thread about "AWStats dynamic pages". For generating old log the fastest thing to do, as the command line does not seem to care about the -log option is to temporary symlink the default log file (I don't remember exactly how it's called but I think it's web.log) to 2007/10/web.log and the run the script by adding the -builddate option.