Beryl Theme Manager Question

Discussion in 'Desktop Operation' started by ego, Sep 19, 2007.

  1. ego

    ego New Member

    Hello everyone,

    I have a rather ignorant question. I have installed Beryl about a week ago. I have been trying to change the theme in the Beryl Theme Manager but I am not understanding on how to do this. All I can do is edit the themes that I have downloaded into the manager, I do not know how to apply a theme to make it work.

    Could someone help me out? I have looked and googled but all I can find is how to install Beryl, not how to apply a theme to the desktop in Beryl.

    I may be way off track with this and it is probably a simple answer, so please forgive my ignorance. I have finally made the switch to a pure linux desktop.. woohoo!
  2. ego

    ego New Member

    yep, an ignorant question....

    Beryl Settings Manager > Windows Decorator > Beyrl

    what an overlook...

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