If you leave the Apache directive field for the site empty and if you have "suphp" within ispconfig configuration file, you use php5-cgi+suphp by default. If you add the directives suPHP_Engine off RemoveHandler .php php_admin_flag engine on within the Apache directive field, suphp is disabled. You also can see this within your vhost file. ***EDIT*** The mentioned apache directives do not work anymore for ISPConfig 2.2.20 and up! Use: <Directory /var/www/web1/web> AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .php3 .php4 .php5 php_admin_flag safe_mode Off </Directory> instead and uncheck the php checkbox for the website. ***
Drop hans Hans, you does not include/understand me all, I am to afflict, but either you pays of my head, or you does not include/understand what I ask, it is not, serious, I only will manage all, because I see that I annoy you... MM
Hans , help My ... Hans, I thought that you had to remove me... Hans, you will not remove me, like same, you included/understood my message, finally I hope for it, not, but I try to find this problem hans, ok, I add "AddType", but after, to have php-cgi, how I make, how I make to have php-cgi without suphp, which is the order, hans, assistance me... MM
Finally, (frustrated me) i think we understand eachother. To use php5-cgi without suPHP, you can add these lines to ayout apache directive field of the site: suPHP_Engine off RemoveHandler .php RemoveHandler .php5 But i did not try this. One more question? You're form Belgium right, do you speak Dutch? If so, send a PM to me.
Hi Hans Misterm's translator really does not do a good job .. I don't understand him even I tried a lot but maybe he has similar problem as me .. If I set in config.inc.php addtype so suPHP is not work for me .. in phpinfo() is Code: Server API Apache 2.0 Handler If I set suphp in config.inc.php I get Code: Server API CGI/FastCGI So finally .. If I would like suPHP only suphp in config.inc.php works for me .. and as I said before .. Code: suPHP_Engine off RemoveHandler .php php_admin_flag engine on doesn't switch it off. Anyway thanks for your job and great patience SupuS
URGENT: question for Till & Falko @Mistern & Supus, Sorry for not understanding the problem at once, but i think i got it now. Let me tell you this: Before I updated from ispconfig version 2.2.19 to 2.2.20, I had $go_info["server"]["apache2_php"] = 'suphp'; within /home/admispconfig/ispconfig/lib/config.inc.php. After the update, I thought everything was fine, but that was not true; all my TYPO3 websites where down and an internal server error occurred. I never had this before with earlier versions of ispconfig. These TYPO3 websites are using php5mod, because I can’t use the suphp meganism for TYPO3, as the TYPO3 core is under /var/www and not in the same /var/www/webX/web of the TYPO3 site. After changing $go_info["server"]["apache2_php"] = 'suphp'; within $go_info["server"]["apache2_php"] = 'addtype'; all my TYPO3 sites where up and running again, so I thought that everything was ok again, but it was NOT. Like Supus confirms, also in my situation, my info.php shows: Server API Apache 2.0 Handler and not Server API CGI/FastCGI. And last but not least: With $go_info["server"]["apache2_php"] = 'suphp'; within /home/admispconfig/ispconfig/lib/config.inc.php it is NOT possible anymore to disable suPHP, by adding the following directives to the Apache directive field of the site which need php5mod, like my TYPO3 sites: suPHP_Engine off RemoveHandler .php php_admin_flag engine on So, my conclusion is that something has been changed for suPHP from ISPConfig 2.2.20 and up. Now the URGENT question to Till & Falko is: How can suPHP be switched off, via the apache directives field, if suPHP_Engine off RemoveHandler .php php_admin_flag engine on Don’t work anymore since ISPConfig 2.2.20 with $go_info["server"]["apache2_php"] = 'suphp'; configured within /home/admispconfig/ispconfig/lib/config.inc.php? Waiting for you answer,
The version 2.2.21 which I speak Hans, you is on what one speaks, because I do not speak to you about the version of ISPConfig, 2.2.20, but I speak to you about the new version of ISPConfig about now, of now, version 2.2.21, is in this current version, it does not have more in the file config.inc.php, the support "suphp" it is for that that I challenge that in the topics... MM
You can put wrap this in a <Directory> directive, e.g.: Code: <Directory /var/www/web1/web> suPHP_Engine off RemoveHandler .php php_admin_flag engine on </Directory>
the only difference I see from initial look from pre 2.2.20 is the addition of the dirs and php-wrapper here. Code: /home/admispconfig/ispconfig/tools/[COLOR="Red"]suphp/usr/bin/php-wrapper[/COLOR] and suphp.conf has also been changed from Code: [handlers] ;Handler for php-scripts x-httpd-php=php:/usr/bin/php5-cgi to Code: [handlers] ;Handler for php-scripts x-httpd-php=php:/home/admispconfig/ispconfig/tools/suphp/usr/bin/php-wrapper
Hello Falko, it is to decontaminate suphp, but how one makes to work with php-cgi with the current version of ISPConfig 2.2.21, it is that which I ask since the beginning, I must transmit it to you in French so that you include/understand or I must make differently.... MM
Thank you daveb Thank you Daveb, veiled, somebody who gives me, I believe the solution...., which I made an attempt since the beginning..., I will test that, is I say what to you after.... MM
What I makes then... Is then, I does what, I activate what, in the file "config.inc.php", what I but in the directives apache... Can you help me, thank you MM
I have to find the solution I hold account with all to have myself to help, but I hold to thank Daveb, to have to give the solution to me, that thereafter, I have to find how to make without error: First of all, to modify the file suphp.conf is to add this: add : in the place of: Then to modify to card-index it config.inc.php is to add "addtype" : Then, into final, by default, your phpinfo will be in php4, but if you add suphp in your directives apache, like this: You have like final result this: Thank you for your assistance is thank you Daveb MM
@Falko, This is not a solution as it is not working! Why (starting with ISPConfig 2.20 and up) can't suphp be disabled anymore by adding directives within the apache directive field of the site?
Hans stops, please!!!!! Known as Hans, you takes to me for an idiot, or sad to sir, if I say to you that that focntionne, that functions, you want that I show you examples so that, you begins me to believe me, instead of me to really take for awkward....
Falko, known as with Hans... Ok, falko, I calm, but please, known as to Hans, why, it me do not believe, if I say to you that that functions that functions, I would give the proof in a few minutes, I want me calmed well, for once that I am right, outward journey, OK Falko, I calm myself.... Do Falko, you believe me or not?
Falko , Hans ... Falko, Hans, here the evidence, the 2 urls are different, is the versions php also, I require Hans forgiveness of you, will see, are especially, it is ISPConfig, version 2.2.21 which to install with the Howto minis that I have to carry out... http://phpinfo.ispconfig.be/ http://www.ispconfig.be/info.php MM