Hello dears , we have mail hosting server Centos 6.3 ispconfig one of our customers was send bulk of spam so please advise how can I restrict number of sending email for mailbox to be just 50 per day
Thanks Till for your reply and support as usual, just let me explain you my issue :- I have mail server with specs (Postfix, Centos 6.3 and ispconfig spamassassins also I used webmin to manage my mail server ) my mail server work fine send and receive but I have only one issue SPAM I have received bulk of spam everyday about 2000 mail also badheaders and virus this effect on our customers, also dear I have noted many times in mailq there are emails not from our customers try to send emails for not for our customers (random sender and receiver) also yesterday one of our customer sent spam about 5000 email this affect on our mail server my server IP listed in blacklist so please dear if can help me to stop receiving spam and restrict our customer in case send spam email to be maximum 50 per connection also if I can restrict number of messages in the active queue to be maximum 1000 yesterday I found 5000 mail active in mailq !!!