Cannot delete anything

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by tgansert, May 13, 2006.

  1. tgansert

    tgansert New Member

    When I go to delete a site or a customer, it goes away from the interface view and goes into the trash can. When I delete the trash can, it comes back empty. However, when I search for the site/customer I just deleted, it comes back saying everything is still there, yet I cannot see any of it.

    When I go to recreate the configuration for that specific site, the interface states that the domain is in use by another site.

    How can I delete these completely??
  2. brownie

    brownie New Member

    I have the same problem

    I cannot definitively delete 1 domain and then recreate it!

    I have ispconfig 2.1.2 on suse 10 64bit
  3. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    How long did you wait with the deletion after you moved the item to the recycle bin?
  4. brownie

    brownie New Member

    I moved in the recycle bin and at once I deleted it
  5. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    You will have to wait about a minute until the recycle bin can be emptied, ISPConfig needs some time to modify the config files.
  6. brownie

    brownie New Member

    Ok, I'll remember this for the future but now how can I delete this domain?

    I can see it only if I search it from dns manager but even if I click "delete" the domain remains, if I click "edit" and then "delete" the domain always remains!
  7. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Is the domain in one of the recycle bin's of the DNS-Manager (not ISP-Manager)?
  8. brownie

    brownie New Member

    The recycle bin of dns manager is empty
  9. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    You can try to delete it manually from the appropriate table. You must also delete the associated entries in the appropriate _dep and _nodes table. Make a backup of the database before you do this, it is likely that you'll mess it up! :eek:
  10. brownie

    brownie New Member

    Delete from the tables!

    it is seems all OK :)

    Do you think is better I update to 2.2.2 vers.? Can I wait for 2.2.3 ?
  11. tgansert

    tgansert New Member

    I ended up searching for host.domain.tld in the db_ispconfig database and deleting every instance. I notice there is no way to delete folders and this seems to be the only way.

    Also, even if the trash can empties, you cannot create a domain with that same name ever again. Same thing with users. My only work around was to delete from database.
  12. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Do you delete the corresponding records in the isp_nodes and isp_dep tables too as falko suggested?
  13. tgansert

    tgansert New Member

    Yes, plus everything else I saw that matched host.%

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