It looks like the two users for that web are set to null for user_mailquota. user_speicher is set to -1. Should I change the user_mailquota to -1 manually?
I went ahead and changed the user_mailquota for both users to '-1' and I still couldn't get the quota usage graph to show. But, after changing the admin user (user1) back to 'null' it works. I tried it different ways; here is a summary: Code: user1=null, user2=null -> graph doesn't show user1=-1, user2=-1 -> graph doesn't show user1=-1, user2=null -> graph doesn't show user1=null, user2=-1 -> graph shows This doesn't seem right because the other webs do not follow this scheme and they always show the graph...
Ok, but please let me know if you figure something out. I will continue to try and figure it out myself since I cannot access email on most of my webs . Let me know if you need any additional info--config files and such... Troy