after giving up trying to get mail for a local user I decided to delete the user and create it as vuser in a site in ISPConfig, but every time itryed to create it, it says it allready exist. I removed all traces of user (I think) including its file in /var/spool...still... I also checked all tables if the string of the user name exist in them -it doesn't... I try restarting server, recreating and redeletting it -no can do... Any idea?
Recycle bin Maybe the user still excists in a recycle bin within ISPConfig... If so, make it empty first to proceed.
Does the user still excists within your file /etc/postfix/virtusertable ? If so, you know what to do...
Have a look at your database for ISPConfig. In phpMyAdmin, fist select the ISPConfigdatabase (default= ispconfigdb) then go to isp_isp_user table and check your user records. If you find the user which must be deleted, delete it by pressing the red cross. Warning: be carefull do not screw your database! At the other hand, if you can't find the user within the database it does not excists there.
I do not recommend deleting records manually. If you delete only the record in the isp_isp_user table, you destry the referential integrity of the database, as the permission record in isp_nodes and the dependency record in isp_dep is not deleted.
Thank you for your advise Till, i apriciate it of course, but do you have any other solution for t_ras? If he can not create the user he wants and it is not visible in ISPConfig and not in /etc/postfix/virtusertable, what can he do now? Strange no?
Please check if that user is listed in /home/admispconfig/ispconfig/users. That file contains all usernames that existed on the system when ISPConfig was installed. Whenever you create a new user with ISPConfig, ISPConfig checks that file in order to avoid creating a user twice.
Yes of course, that is better and should be checked first! By the way, congratulations with Germany (3) - Portugal (1). Holland could not make it against them