I used this script to sync all my db's from the old server to the new server but can't login on the new servers ispconfig controlpanel after syncing. Any tips/suggestions?
Maybe you overwrote the ispconfig database user. You can get the correct password from the file /usr/local/ispconfig/server/lib/config.inc.php. Use this password and set it again in mysql with phpmyadmin. dont change the password in the config file.
Till, The password for user ispconfig in the MySQL db via phpmyadmin starts with *4AA9F8F7C9676E8A... but the password in the config file starts like 21c46cdd00a.... How to add it in phpmyadmin?
copy the password from the file into the password field in phpmyadmin, then select "PASSWORD" as function for this field in phpmyadmin and click on save.