I have used the standard setup ispconfig with fedora4. I have try'd in several ways to make a subdomain. For instance I made user Bob for the www.dummy.com. It is now visible in the panel as bob.dummy.com. But I can not make the page visble in the browser. Nt with www.dummy.com/~user/ or www.dummy.com/users/bob/ Or bob.dummy.com I hav tried looking for AddModule mod_userdir . But I am not shure whot httpd.conf file the server is using /root/ispconfig/httpd/conf/httpd.conf or the normal /etc/httpd.conf Does someone know how to help me?
Did you create a user bob or a Co-Domain bob.dummy.com? Is bob the correct username, or is it something like web1_bob? /root/ispconfig/httpd/conf/httpd.conf is the configuration file for the ISPConfig Apache, it has nothing to do with your main Apache. So you must check the normal Apache configuration file.
Perhaps I should ask what is yhe best way to make a subdomain. Main domain is www.dummy.com new subdomain should be bob.dummy.com