Using cloudflare so 8080 is not supported via https. only others like 8443 changed in config then ran update again just to be sure.. now Panel is not loading - even regenerated the SSL just in case inside the firewall local to server unable to load https://IP:8443 reloaded apache but is it actually an nginx? doesn't look like it: /etc/apache2/sites-available/ispconfig.vhost considering just doing a NAT Translation at the firewall to convert 8443 > 8080. ------- Change vhosts back to 8080 works - just checking why 8443 acts like its already in use?!? --- Side bar --- is there a way / script / addon that will proxy admin/panel url to the correct port from an http request? another panel i'm using does this via a proxy - type and it redirects via proxy to correct path and port - while still showing only just a thought - but I have no idea how they did that - know its a plugin though.
used the network firewall to proxy/translate 8443 > 8080 works but odd that something else is using 8443? didn't check netstat but figured I'd post my config with cloudflare incase others ran across it. other panel I use is specifically the panel redirect plugin: really both packages are well maintained and both are awesome! thx for all the work that goes into the testing / development!
It probably is, you can try `lsof -i :8443` to see what process has that port open. You can do that in the web server; I could send an apache example (or you could find it by searching past posts here), but if I understood your first post correctly you're using nginx, so that won't help.
nginx - that was the other panel not ispconfig31 (got confused) I thought ispconfig also used nginx - which it doesn't - so Un-related. lsof -i :8443 - shows nothing - so not sure what I did wrong... editing /etc/apache2/sites-available/ispconfig.vhost didn't help either... Not sure what I messed up! beyond that its running fine doing a firewall listen on 8443 and translating to 8080 internally. just odd I couldn't change.