Changes to whois/index.php

Discussion in 'Developers' Forum' started by mxc, Jun 20, 2006.

  1. mxc

    mxc Member

    Hi all,

    I wanted to add support for the and tlds to the whois form. Both of the providers for these tlds do not have standard whois servers. Instead they have html forms to access the whois info. One of the forms works on the "get" method and the other on the "post" method so I wrote some functionality for this. I also moved some of the existing code around as I found it difficult to follow. I have tested it my side and it seems to work. Including the old code. I test the .com and .pl domains.

    The only issue I have is that the whois info is repeated for some strange reason for the resutls. The same is true for the but the dom manipulation extras one entry only. Otherwise it seems to work. I hope that the and support can be included in future releases.


    Copyright (c) 2005, projektfarm Gmbh, Till Brehm, Falko Timme
    All rights reserved.
    --removed due to 1000 character restriction on post

    $go_api->content->define( array(
    main => "main.htm",
    table => "tools_standard.htm",
    stylesheet => "style.css"));

    $go_api->content->assign( array( TITLE => "$session_site Startseite",
    SESSION => $session,
    COPYRIGHT => "",
    FGCOLOR => "$session_nav_hcolour",
    TABLE_H_COLOR => "$session_page_hcolour",
    BOXSIZE => "450",
    WINDOWTITLE => "<font size=\"2\" face=\"Verdana\" color=\"#FFFFFF\">&nbsp; Whois</font>",
    SITENAME => "$session_site",
    DESIGNPATH => $session_design_path,
    CHARSET => $go_info["theme"]["charset"],
    SERVERURL => $go_info["server"]["server_url"],
    S => $s
    ) );

    // BEGIN TOOL ###########################################################################


    $result = '';
    if (isset($submit)) {
    // Switch von Domain-Endung
    switch ($endfix) {
    case '.de':
    case '.se':
    case '.nl':
    case '.com':
    case '.net':
    case '.org':
    $result=whois_php ($WhoIsServer,$domain);
    case '.lu':
    $result=whois_php ($WhoIsServer,$domain);
    case '.fr':
    case '.be':
    case '.at':
    case '.it':
    case '.no':
    case '.dk':
    case '.cz':
    case '.is':
    case '.sk':
    case '.li':
    case '.ch':
    case '.sk':
    case '.lt':
    case '.hu':
    $WhoIsServer=""; //$WhoIsServer zuweisen
    $result=whois_php ($WhoIsServer,$domain);
    case '.ac':
    $WhoIsServer=""; //$WhoIsServer zuweisen
    $result=whois_php ($WhoIsServer,$domain);
    case '':
    $WhoIsServer=""; //$WhoIsServer zuweisen
    $result=whois_php ($WhoIsServer,$domain);
    case '.pl':
    $WhoIsServer=""; //$WhoIsServer zuweisen
    $result=whois_php ($WhoIsServer,$domain);
    case '':
    $result=whois_http_get ("".$domain."&Enter=Enter");
    //Clean up of html to remove submit form
    if (stristr($result,"No Matches")) {
    $result="Domain not found.";
    case '':
    $post = "domain=".$domain."&format=full";
    $result=whois_http_post ("",$post);
    //Clean up of html response to remove submit form
    if (stristr($result,"Domain not registered")) {
    $result="Domain not registered";
    $doc = new DomDocument();

    function whois_php($WhoIsServer,$queryDomain){
    $fp = fsockopen ("$WhoIsServer", 43, $errnr, $errstr);
    set_socket_blocking($fp, 0);
    fputs($fp, "$queryDomain\n");
    while (!feof($fp)) {
    $record .= fgets($fp, 2048);
    return $record;

    function whois_cli($queryDomain){
    $WhoIsServer = '-';
    $record ="No Results";
    $regex = '/^[a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]{0,63}$/';
    if(preg_match($regex,$queryDomain)) {
    $queryDomain = escapeshellcmd($queryDomain);
    $fp = popen("whois $queryDomain", 'r');
    $record = fread($fp, 4096);
    if (substr($result,0, 8) == "No match"){$result = "Domain not registered";}
    return $record;


    function whois_http_get($WhoIsServerURL){
    $record="No Results";
    $cUrl = curl_init($WhoIsServerURL);
    curl_setopt($cUrl, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 180);
    curl_setopt($cUrl, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
    curl_setopt($cUrl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
    $record = trim(curl_exec($cUrl));
    return $record;

    function whois_http_post($WhoIsServerURL,$post){
    $record="No Results";
    $cUrl = curl_init($WhoIsServerURL);
    curl_setopt($cUrl, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 180);
    curl_setopt($cUrl, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
    curl_setopt($cUrl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
    curl_setopt($cUrl, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
    curl_setopt($cUrl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $post);
    $record = trim(curl_exec($cUrl));
    return $record;

    $result .= "<table border='0' width='100%' align='center'><tr><td><PRE>$result</pre></td></tr></table>";
    $html_pre = '&nbsp;<br><form name="form1" method="post" action="">
    <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
    <td align="center" class="t2">www.
    <input type="text" name="domainname" size="17">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
    <select name="endfix" size="1" style="font-family: Verdana; font-size: 10pt; color: #4E566B; font-weight: bold">
    <option name="pl" value=".pl">.pl
    <option name="de" value=".de">.de
    <option name="com" value=".com">.com
    <option name="net" value=".net">.net
    <option name="org" value=".org">.org
    <option name="ac" value=".ac">.ac
    <option name="at" value=".at">.at
    <option name="be" value=".be">.be
    <option name="ch" value=".ch">.ch
    <option name="cz" value=".cz">.cz
    <option name="dk" value=".dk">.dk
    <option name="" value="">
    <option name="fr" value=".fr">.fr
    <option name="it" value=".it">.it
    <option name="is" value=".is">.is
    <option name="hu" value=".hu">.hu
    <option name="li" value=".li">.li
    <option name="lt" value=".lt">.lt
    <option name="lu" value=".lu">.lu
    <option name="no" value=".no">.no
    <option name="sk" value=".sk">.sk
    <option name="se" value=".se">.se
    <option name="nl" value=".nl">.nl
    <option name="" value="">
    <option name="" value="">
    <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Search &gt;&gt;" class="button"> </td>
    $html_show = $html_pre . $result;
    // END TOOL #############################################################################
    $go_api->content->assign( array( TOOL => $html_show));
    $go_api->content->parse(STYLESHEET, stylesheet);
    $go_api->content->parse(MAIN, array("table","main"));
  2. mxc

    mxc Member

    i forgot to say i needed to change the file to include --with-curl and remove the disable xml statements for the ./configure command for php and recompiled ispconfig
  3. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Hi, thanks for enhancing the whois script. Please send me the file to dev at ispconfig dot org, i will include it then to the development branch for further testing.

    I think it can not be included in the stable branch yet as removing the disable xml statements in the configure stamenet breaks most current installations due to the lack of the libxml2-dev pacakge installed.
  4. mxc

    mxc Member

    will do. I will send it tomorrow.

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