I've installed ISPconfig on an fresh Debian Sarge xen host. UebiMiau Webmail was directly installed with the ISP installer. Everything works fine but ClamAV doesn't work. I've no Idea why? The maiheader shows that: tom
When I try to start clamd with: /home/admispconfig/ispconfig/tools/clamav/sbin/clamd I get this: What about the user adm42go? tom
Please try to change with the su command to a mailuser and then run the command: /home/admispconfig/ispconfig/tools/clamav/bin/clamscan Did you get any errors?
No, ClamAV comes with ISPConfig and is compiled from the sources. Which ISPConfig version do you use?
I'm not using the new release yet, but maybe you should check the clamassassin script (don't know where it is stored exactly, but I guess you'll find it) In the upper part of the script there are several pathes to needed programs stored... maybe one of the pathes is wrong? Or maybe one of these programs isn't installed? My guess: You haven't installed sigtool
I've found sigtool already installed in /home/admispconfig/ispconfig/tools/clamav/bin/sigtool and /home/admispconfig/ispconfig/tools/clamav/bin/clamav-config the pathes and the programs as well seems to be ok. tom
Okay, I haven't had a look on the new release, so I could only guess. But I don't have further ideas (yet), sorry...
ISPConfig 2.2.1 does not use the old clamscan script anymore. Instaed of clamscan, clamassasin is used. Please try to modify something in the email account where you encountered the error and save the account so that ISPConfig rewrites the configuration. Then test if you still get this error.
I've changed the mailaddress, I've created a new mailaddress but with the same result. What do you mean with: I've installed the completely new new version 2.2.1 of ISPconfig but there is no clamassasin tool. There is only clamscan in: /home/admispconfig/ispconfig/tools/clamav/bin/clamscan Maybe that is the fault, the missing clamassasin? Thats my header: tom
Do you have this binary: /home/admispconfig/ispconfig/tools/clamav/bin/clamassassin This line is inserted by clamassassin, so i guess you must have clamassassin installed in this directory.
binary? There:/home/admispconfig/ispconfig/tools/clamav/bin/clamassassin is the perlscript called # $Id: clamassassin.in,v 1.43 2006/01/10 04:36:42 jlick Exp $ what I've found. tom
Clamassassin doesn't contain a binary, the perl script is just what you need. And it is called, as it puts its header into the mail. Sure? I think that just trashscan, the old wrapper to clam, has been replaced by the new wrapper clamassassin. Both should call clamscan, but have a slightly different interface to procmail, which makes the difference of security. (And that's why trashscan has been removed in 2.2.1)
I'm seeing the same error on a brand new Ubuntu 6.10 ISPConfig 2.2.10 install where I have manually (re)created the user accounts and then FTP'd the web(x)/user/* from the old server. Never really looked into this before but now that I have...Is this something I should be worried about and if yes, how can I fix it? Edit: searched a bit more on Google and this is what I found: >From the Clamassassin announce mailing list: > The problem is that clamscan has removed the --mbox option which was > required in old versions of ClamAV when scanning an email message. Now > clamscan can scan email messages without any special options and the > --mbox option was removed. In ClamAV 0.90, running clamscan with this > option will no longer work. clamassassin had used this option for > compatibility with older versions of ClamAV, so clamassassin will fail > to work with ClamAV's clamscan. >
I'm not sure. I have a standard ISPConf install, following all the steps for the Perfect Setup. The error message Tom is referring to is error 153, mine is error 40. If you Google on that error, you'll see that it is reported quite frequentky against ClamAV v0.90 Even reading Tom's solution I wouldn't know what to do with it as I have followed all the suggested steps without any errors....
Sorry, I mixed up the posts. Please have a look here: http://www.howtoforge.com/forums/showpost.php?p=62417&postcount=45